Editorial - Guides - Page 46 | Know Your Meme
  1. What's With All The Memes About 'Weird Republicans'? The Messaging Tactic Adopted By Democrats Explained guides

    What's With All The Memes About 'Weird Republicans'? The Messaging Tactic Adopted By Democrats Explained

    The Democratic Party has pulled a sharp pivot from their tried and failed "when they go low, we go high" strategy, with the Harris campaign now dismissing the Trump camp as "weird."

  2. I Will Be There No Matter What meme example depicting soccer / football player Kylian Mbappe. guides

    What Is The 'I Will Be There No Matter What' Meme? Kylian Mbappe's Catchphrase Meme Explained

    Here's what you need to know about Kylian Mbappe's "I Will Be There No Matter What" catchphrase.

  3. Fartbuckle the Goblin explained. guides

    Who Is 'Fartbuckle The Goblin', Savior Of Friends? The Viral 'D&D' Meme Explained

    Who is Fartbuckle the Goblin, the previously unsung hero of _Dungeons & Dragons_ memes?

  4. elon musk furry babyfur explained guides

    Where Do Memes About Elon Musk Being Into Furry Roleplay Come From, And What Is 'Babyfur'? Origin Of The Viral Rumor Explained

    What is babyfur, is Elon Musk into it, and where did the viral rumor start? Let us explain.

  1. two week minecraft phase memes guides

    What Is A 'Two Week Minecraft Phase' And Why Is It So Common? The Viral Meme Explained

    The phenomenon of the "two week 'Minecraft' phase" has become a meme across social media, but why are two week 'Minecraft' phases so popular? Here's what we know.

  2. Kevin Durant I tried Jennifer meme explained. guides

    What Did Kevin Durant Mean When He Tweeted 'I Tried, Jennifer'? The 'I'm Trying Jennifer' Meme Explained

    A nearly forgotten classic NBA meme explained.

  3. David Harris Jr. the MAGA airplane guy from Twitter / X. guides

    Who's David Harris Jr. And Why's He Always On A Plane? The 'MAGA Airplane Guy' Trying To Trigger Everybody Explained

    This guy's frequent-flyer miles seem to be solely based on triggering liberals, which has recently wound up making him the subject of numerous memes. Here's a brief explainer on David Harris Jr. and his online virality.

  4. y'all when i put on my dad fit meme guides

    What Is The 'Y'all When I Put On My Dad Fit' Meme? The Viral 'Pumpkin The Gentlemen' Face Memes Explained

    An artist known as "Pumpkin the Gentlemen" is in hot water right now, which has inspired a viral series of memes referencing his artwork. Here's what you need to know.

  1. vabbing explained guides

    What Does 'Vabbing' Mean, And Why Are People Talking About 'Vabbing At The Gym'? The TikTok Trend Explained

    A TikTok trend about using bodily fluids to attract male attention has horrified internet users. Here's a recap of why people are recoiling at the idea of "vabbing at the gym."

  2. Gypsy Rose and Clauddine “Dee Dee” Blanchard in reference to the crime scene photo leak. guides

    What Is The 'Gypsy Rose Crime Scene Photos' Leak? The Dee Dee Blanchard Pictures Controversy Explained

    A Google Drive link featuring several graphic pictures of Gypsy Rose's crime scene is going viral on social media. Here's what we know about it.

  3. examples of videos about morgues hiring women guides

    Why Do Morgues Prefer To Hire Women Over Men? The Truth Behind The Viral Memes Explained

    Across social media, users are shocked to learn the disturbing purported reason why morgues are more likely to hire women. But is the claim even true? Here's what you need to know.

  4. daten route fan art guides

    What Is 'Daten Route'? The Viral 'Needy Streamer Overload' Meme Explained

    The video game "Needy Streamer Overload" has inspired a viral meme across TikTok and YouTube. Here's what it's all about.