
What Does 'Dust My Wets' Mean? The Viral Meme Explained

An image of a mac n cheese dust my wets meme
An image of a mac n cheese dust my wets meme

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

Across social media, memes using the slang term "dust my wets" have been going viral. This isn't the first time the phrase has become popular online, with its origins dating back to a viral tweet posted in 2019. Here's what it means to dust your wets and how you can get your wets dusted, too.

What Does 'Dust My Wets' Mean?

In March 2019, Twitter user @horsedivorce posted a tweet that gained over 64,000 likes before it was deleted on an unknown date. The tweet imagines a scenario where a customer asks a server at a restaurant to "dust his wets." The server says, "You can just ask for parmesan cheese" but the customer insists, lifting his spaghetti towards the server to get those wets dusted.

From the context of the tweet, we can gather that dust my wets means to grate parmesan cheese (dust) on spaghetti (wets). More generally, the phrase has evolved to mean grating or sprinkling cheese on any type of pasta, such as putting the cheese powder on your macaroni and cheese.

How Is 'Dust My Wets' Used In Memes?

Since going viral on Twitter, the phrase has been applied to memes across social media for years. The majority of the memes use the phrase without context to confuse those out-of-the-know. One of the most popular memes shows the process of wets being dusted in great detail, letting noobies into the joke.

While the memes saw a peak in popularity in 2020, they've recently been going viral again on Instagram after some big meme pages shared them.

For the full details on the dust my wets meme, be sure to check out our entry on the meme here for even more information.

Tags: wets, spaghetti, parmesan cheese, my wets dust them, dust my wets meaning,