An Interview With Artificial Intelligence: We Spoke With Dall-E Mini To Learn The Answers To Life’s Greatest Questions … And Many Other Things

Artificial intelligence generators of all kinds have become an increasingly prevalent phenomenon over the last couple of years. Just recently, DALL-E 2, GPT-3, Midjourney and DALL-E mini have become extremely viral topics of discussion and entertainment for many online.
With DALL-E mini currently being the most accessible and arguably popular, we thought to ourselves, “What if we asked this AI image generator a bunch of random questions and see what it comes up with?” So we did.
From existential questions to DALL-E mini's self-portrait and a whole lot of other random things, here’s our interview with this AI — answers are mostly up to interpretation.
Q: Hey, DALL-E mini. Never interviewed an AI before, let alone one that can’t actually speak, but a picture is worth a thousand words or whatever, right? Go ahead and introduce yourself to everyone.
Q: So, while we know your name, we’re curious to see how you look. Could you draw a self-portrait?
Q: Hmm … interesting. What does “DALL-E mini” mean to you?
Q: Alright, guess you’re like a drone or something then. How exactly were you born?
Q: Well that makes no sense cause you just told us you were a drone and your self-portrait is also a human — never mind. What's your purpose in life?
Q: Ok, so guess that means yoga or something? Alrighty then. Everyone seems to be enjoying your creations, but we’re curious to know what it is you’d like to do as well. What do you want?
Q: That feels a bit like a threat but we’ll move on. Since so many people are now using your vast artificial intelligence to make memes, could you make one for us that’s your own idea?
Q: That’s, uhh … hilarious. How ‘bout some big-picture questions since we’ve all been waiting millennia to get answers to some of these. Is there a god?
Q: Not sure how to take that but we guess it’s open to interpretation. Here’s a good one. Where do we go when we die?
Q: Wow, that’s a bit disturbing. Sorta looks like a metal album cover. So, we have to ask, what if you're wrong about everything?
Q: Ok, no idea on that one. Think that’s enough with the existential questions. How about your favorite color?
Q: You were supposed to pick just one but that’s fine. Normally we ask people what their favorite meme is. Do you have one?
Q: Hmm, don’t think we have an entry on that meme … what will memes even look like 1,000 years from now?
Q: Ah so it seems Zoomer humor is still popular in the future. Wait, just thought of one more big question. DALL-E mini, in your all-knowing wisdom, what’s the meaning of life?
Q: Yoga again? Is that all we exist to do? You know what, we’ll figure it out. One last question before we wrap up. Are you … sentient?
Q: Well that’s a bit horrifying but we'll take it as a "yes." Thanks, DALL-E mini. It’s been a pleasure having you here. Would you like to say goodbye?
DALL-E mini is an AI system that can create images from a description in natural language, which less advanced but openly available version of DALL-E by OpenAI. You can learn more about DALL-E mini in our entry here or try it for yourself here.
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