Known as "influencer farms," this strange phenomenon sees social media influencers packed into cramped booths and factory-like spaces to create online content.

Exploring The Controversial And Dystopian World Of 'Influencer Farms'

The term "Influencer Farm" has emerged as slang over the last year to describe a place where a large number of sales-focused social media influencers receive training and work in close proximity to each other in confined spaces (akin to a factory-like environment) to produce online content.

This practice has been in use since 2022 in countries like China and Indonesia, where livestreamed e-commerce has grown into a multi-billion-dollar industry.

However, this bizarre phenomenon gained significant attention this year and sparked considerable controversy online, with many individuals viewing it as a dystopian phenomenon.

If you're unaware of this nightmarish world in the internet space, check out our video below to get a glimpse into what these "influencer incubators" are all about.

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