meme review

Girl's Goofy Redrawn Map Of The US Shows Ohio's Power Growing

Girl's redrawn map of the Americas goes viral
Girl's redrawn map of the Americas goes viral

Published February 14, 2020

Published February 14, 2020

If recent meme trends are anything to go by, Ohio is growing in power and will soon take over the world. On Wednesday, a goofy redrawn map of the Americas went viral, but while most blissfully unaware Twitter users chuckled at the super tall Texas and Long Chile, the keen-eyed memer will see the true terror: a second Ohio, sitting at the meeting point of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado.

While the map drawn by sportswriter Craig Calcaterra's daughter Anna initially appears like a silly collection of "Patch notes," one can plainly see Anna's sinister plans, which include moving the American capital to "Ohio 2," Florida seceding from the US after a massive land grab along the gulf coast, and Chile taking over the entire West Coast of the western hemisphere leading directly to World War 3.

Naturally, Twitter users approached Craig with questions that he relayed to his daughter, whose maniacal genius shone through her answers.

While only time will tell if Anna Calcaterra's frustratingly brilliant update to the U.S. will ever come to fruition, we must be on the alert. Plans for Ohio 2 may already be underway.

Tags: ohio, us, map, viral, americas,

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