meme review
Memes of the Week: October 4th, 2019

We believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter -- to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And one fine morning ----
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly to review memes of the week.
This week, men discovered the new iPhone camera will make their junk look huge, a baby "ate" a camera in a viral clip, and Redditors missed the satire of a Reductress headline.
When the iPhone 11 became available for purchase, people were quick to make jokes about the camera, but men were quick to notice that the camera could make a banana look very large.

This led to the term cockfishing entering the public lexicon. The practice, similar to catfishing, involves men making their junk look much bigger than it is in reality. The new iPhone's camera seems perfect for this scandalous bit of mischievousness, and men on Twitter were thrilled. Happy dick-pic-ing, fellas!
Woman Flashing Post Malone
Being a rock star means you get to see some tatas. It comes with the territory. And it's always nice to see a rock star appreciative of a good set of badonkers. This happened to Post Malone when he was flashed at a recent concert and reacted with a big, happy smile. The picture quickly became an object labeling meme, as jokesters imagined what other sights could make Post Malone so happy.

Baby Eats Camera
An adorable video from 2015 in which a baby attempts to eat a GoPro started going viral recently on Instagram, thanks to an edit by user ins.step. This launched a series of parodies on the site which used the original video as a template for goofy, surreal remixes. RIP to the GoPro, but blessed be the new meme.
New Orleans Saints Defending Amari Cooper
Football is often a goldmine for memes, especially when a quarterback throws into quadruple coverage. That happened Sunday night when Dak Prescott attempted to pass to Amari Cooper, who was surrounded by four New Orleans Saints. The play ended in an incompletion, the Cowboys lost, and Cooper got wrecked on the play. However, it did lead to a new object labeling template, which spread around Twitter as people instantly saw the potential of a meme where lots of things are getting in the way of the object you desire.

Reductress "Named Son Vagina" Article
Reductress is a satirical site focusing on poking fun at the news with a feminist lens. In 2017, they published an article titled, "Wow! This Woman Stood Up to Gender Norms By Naming Her Son ‘Vagina.'" Reddit, evidently, was not aware of this when they discovered the headline, as /r/dankmemes users began making jokes about the headline as though it were sincere, particularly with jokes about middle school bullies making fun of the hypothetical "Vagina" boy. Swing and a miss boys, but you'll get 'em next time!

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