meme review
Whatever Happened To Viral Internet Star Daddy Long Neck?

"Daddy Long Neck," whose real name is David Samuelson Jr., gained fame as a social media personality through his humorous sketch videos shared on platforms like Instagram and Twitter back in 2018 when he launched his @damnlongneck Twitter feed on July 6th, 2018, followed by the creation of his @damnlongneck Instagram feed the same week.
Within five months, his Instagram account amassed an impressive 1.2 million followers. Samuelson's rise to fame was further boosted when YouTuber Michael McCrudden produced a video about his life before the internet on August 8th, 2018. Later, on October 14th, 2018, he was then interviewed on an episode of Tosh.0 massively boosting awareness of him.
In our latest meme review video, we take a look back at Daddy Long Neck's rise to online fame and attempt to learn what the former internet star is up to now.