meme review

MEMEFIGHT: Semifinal Round

MEMEFIGHT: Semifinal Round
MEMEFIGHT: Semifinal Round

Published August 19, 2011

Published August 19, 2011

MEMEFIGHT: Semifinal Round

Less than three weeks ago, there were 32 memes going head-to-head. Now, there are last four standing in the semifinal round of Attack of the Show! MEMEFIGHT: Epic Fails, Demotivational Posters, Old Spice Guy and Chuck Norris. For more info on the voting process and panelists, visit the MemeFight homepage!

Battle 1: Isaiah Mustafa vs. Epic Fail

The Internet's viral ad superstar Isaiah Mustafa is surely charming with his smuggreen screen wizardry, once again defending his title of Old Spice Guy against Fabio. But can he escape the lurking shadow of epic fails? That is up to you guys.

Battle 2: De-motivational Posters vs. Chuck Norris

De-motivational Posters may have a leg up with its old school status, but let's be serious for a minute here, what can't Chuck Norris do? The short answer: nothing. The man breathes integrity and sweats justice. He's also very good at roundhouse kicks.

Tags: memefight, popularity contest, vote, internet memes, attack of the show,

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