Normalizing Dystopia Until It Doesn’t Make Sense With The ‘Wow, This Is Just Like 1984’ Meme - Related Memes - Sea Shanties sea shanty song sea shanties sailor song sailor songs tiktok cheer'ly man stormalong a hundred years ago one more day hustlerose j_c_h88 nytris drunken sailor keyz @anarchoshanties @nathanevanss the scotsman the wellerman @jonnystewartb Sea Shanties Wow, This Is Just Like 1984 1984 george orwell orwellian george orwell's 1984 this is just like twitter 1984 censorship @cableknitjumper @ditzkoff @obskenobs shoe0nhead @internethippo Wow, This Is Just Like 1984 Sea Shanty TikTok sea shanty wellerman nthnevnss natidredd music tiktok duet Sea Shanty TikTok Panopticon prison exploitable adam simpson michel foucault surveillance philosophy metaphor jenni fagan panopticonmemes colin wilson santopticon @radshelb @thegaychingy Panopticon Black Mirror charlie brooker anthology sci-fi channel 4 television netflix tv show (title) Black Mirror The Trolley Problem comic philosophy /his/ /lit/ The Trolley Problem Nihilism philosophy nietzsche nothing nothingness meaning existential nihilist nihilist memes johnnywang veritasium Nihilism Nineteen Eighty-Four / 1984 nineteen eighty-four 1984 big brother dystopia thriller novel totalitarianism science fiction sci-fi ingsoc the party fiction book Nineteen Eighty-Four / 1984 Donald Trump tea party republican you're fired the apprentice businessperson presidential candidate real estate 2016 us presidential election 45 45th president mark gurman lindsey graham realdonaldtrump Donald Trump Twitter / X twitter hub tweet memetic hub social network crowdsourcing sites of 2012 social networking site jack dorsey odeo evan williams biz stone hashtags Twitter / X Memes meme science 1980s maymay knowyourmeme encyclopedia dramatica lol meme overload meme magic memes memeception meme within a meme richard dawkins valeri syutkin the selfish gene replicate mimema Memes 1 Entry Categories Cultures 318 Events 3,785 Memes 32,303 People 2,618 Sites 842 Subcultures 2,945