Swole Doge Shows Cheems How It's Done In These Dogelicious Memes

Swole Doge Shows Cheems How It's Done In These Dogelicious Memes

An unauthorized Dogelore collab, Swole Doge and Cheems had a little get-together and made just the format for comparing things the 2020 way. Or rather the 2020-vs-some-other-year way. Here they are, enjoy.

The Original One by DiegoGamer25

My dad at 17: Me at 17: Darling Im home, how are the kids? Damm I wish I were a cute anime girl

(Source: Reddit)

The One With the Piracy

Pirates 300 years ago I will kill you and drink wine from your skull Pirates today I download free games

(Source: Know Your Meme)

The One With Xi Jinping

computer RAM then computer RAM now I'm 4kb and can send chrome tab scary humans to moon

(Source: Reddit)

The One Where Chrome Eats Your RAM

computer RAM then computer RAM now I'm 4kb and can send chrome tab scary humans to moon

(Source: Facebook)

The One With Ye Olde Simping

SIMPS BEFORE SIMPS NOW hey, queen I just killed two dragons, horde of armored orcs and about to blow this castle up. jump down if you want to live i donated to her $3000 and she didn't say my name

(Source: Twitter)

The French Lore One

God has summoned me to lead France to victory against foreign invaders and secure its future in his -Charge they phone Ibesus -can't cook llarna -Eats McDonald's name. -twerk -Eat hot chip -lies Teen girls 1420s Teen girls now

(Source: Facebook)

The Hong Kong One

Hong Kongers 1941: Hong Kongers 2020: Our Ilves are temporary, the Empire la eternal. You pass the law, WE start the war. I am willing to fight for my homeland's freedom, even if I must die to achieve it. I am willing to fight for my homeland's freedom, even if I must die to achieve it.

(Source: Facebook)

The One With the War Crimes

Scientists in the 1940s Scientists now I just shot 50 war prisoners and minorities to prove that bullets kill people I have made significant progress on finding a better way to treat cancer but I hurt my lab rat in the process

(Source: Know Your Meme)

The One With the Movie

I killed the I am the most dangerous terrorist in mafia boss and stole his Gotham and have the police and criminals wife (1989) under my control (2008) Iam the biggest drug lord in the city, have millions, lamborghinis, and Margot Robbie is my girl (2016) Mom the guy from tv is being mean to me HA HA JOKER (2019) MANTHAPUSTING

(Source: Reddit)

The Epic Gamer One

I've got 56 platinum trophies this year What do you mean women in my vydya game? Gamers 2010 GamersTM2020

(Source: Reddit)

The Hong Kong One

Hong Kongers 1941: Hong Kongers 2020: Our Ilves are temporary, the Empire la eternal. You pass the law, WE start the war. I am willing to fight for my homeland's freedom, even if I must die to achieve it. I am willing to fight for my homeland's freedom, even if I must die to achieve it.

(Source: Facebook)

The One With the Chad Nokia

Phones in 90s Phones in 2020 NOKIA I'm the strongest material known to man pls don't touch me or l'll crack My battery power is unlimited I haven't been charged for 3 hours, I'll commit die

(Source: Reddit)

The Inevitable JoJo Reference

Jojo pre 1999 Jojo post 1999 MOOOM! They're making fun of my hair! BUCCIARATI! They're selling WEEDI DAAAAD! Come bail me out of prison! How many people did you zombify!? Are you being racist in MY New York!? What the FeeK did you do to my mom!?

(Source: Reddit)

The Poland's National Export One

Witchers in 1100 Witchers in 1268 WICHER CIRİPOSTING Here's the head of the I'm addicted to card Katakan. Now pay up so I can go get smashed, bang the barmaid's brain out and never games and get sentimental about my have to see any of your ugly faces again. F--- off I don't care if you're poor, you pay with gold or pay with your found family. Please have you seen my daughter? son!

(Source: Facebook)

The One With the No Internet Game

dinosaurs 65 million years ago dinosaurs now i'm strong alpha beast and i kill everyone who stands in *gets killed by internet connection* my way

(Source: Reddit)

The One About the Future

Transhumanists 2520 A.C. Transhumanists 2020 A.C. Robot anime t------ please I've extended my lifespan with 200 years. Now l'll be able to expore the Solar System some more

(Source: Telegram)

The Meta One

people then people now Wait what the f--- is this place cheems lamzy format HOW DO WE GET OUT OF HERE helmp

(Source: Reddit)

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