
Take A Break From Real Life With These 25 'Harry Potter' Memes

Two _Harry Potter_ memes in the following collection.
Two _Harry Potter_ memes in the following collection.

Published 3 years ago

Published 3 years ago

Reality is getting pretty boring, and since we love escaping to fantasy worlds to pretend our lives aren't real, Harry Potter memes are here for us. When we were kids, we hoped we would get Hogwarts acceptance letters, and we read the books over and over again until the new ones came out. Now, times are a little more complicated, but we could always use a break from the more difficult reality with Harry Potter memes.

As time has gone on, Harry Potter has become more of a form of escapism than it ever was before, and we appreciate it for that in these dark times. We just try our best not to think about what J. K. Rowling is tweeting about lately. There's always something fun for everyone within the series itself, and we keep going back to it over and over again. Whether you're a fan of the books or movies or simply just want something to stare at to dull the pain of life, here are some of the best new Harry Potter memes out there for you.

The Most Satisfying Scene

(Source: Reddit)

Locked Out

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Draco

(Source: Reddit)

Happy Endings

(Source: Reddit)

This Is the Way

(Source: Reddit)

7th Time Is the Charm

(Source: Reddit)

What a Loser

(Source: Reddit)

Her Favorite Kid

(Source: Reddit)

The Ending in a Nutshell

(Source: Reddit)

You're a Wizard Dinesh

(Source: Reddit)

The Half-Blood Prince

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Pretty Obvious

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Lupin's Chocolate

(Source: Reddit)

Reality Is Boring

(Source: Reddit)

At Least He Didn't Have to Work

(Source: Reddit)

Not Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Hermione and the House Elves

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Dumbledore Doesn't Care

(Source: Reddit)

Tom Is the Strangest Name of All

(Source: Reddit)

Subtle Bias

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: harry potter, fandom, harry potter memes, movies, movie memes, books, book memes, dumbledore, snape, memes, collections,