Two _Harry Potter_ memes in the following collection.

Take A Break From Real Life With These 25 'Harry Potter' Memes

Reality is getting pretty boring, and since we love escaping to fantasy worlds to pretend our lives aren't real, Harry Potter memes are here for us. When we were kids, we hoped we would get Hogwarts acceptance letters, and we read the books over and over again until the new ones came out. Now, times are a little more complicated, but we could always use a break from the more difficult reality with Harry Potter memes.

As time has gone on, Harry Potter has become more of a form of escapism than it ever was before, and we appreciate it for that in these dark times. We just try our best not to think about what J. K. Rowling is tweeting about lately. There's always something fun for everyone within the series itself, and we keep going back to it over and over again. Whether you're a fan of the books or movies or simply just want something to stare at to dull the pain of life, here are some of the best new Harry Potter memes out there for you.

The Most Satisfying Scene

Umbridge: tell them I mean no harm! Harry: sorry professor, but I must not tell lies. everyone everywhere: Ooo00oo...

(Source: Reddit)

Locked Out

When Ravenclaw students can't solve the puzzle to their common room Let me in [adult swim LET ME IIIIIN

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Draco

Thanks Draco for informing me about the trio walking out of the school at night Great now all 3 of them will recieve detention right ? All 3 of them right ?

(Source: Reddit)

Happy Endings

The potters, If voldemort didn't exist and wormtail was indeed a good friend. IG:HarryPotterring

(Source: Reddit)

This Is the Way

Snape: *uses Expelliarmus on Gilderoy Lockhart* Harry Potter: DANGER Is this the greatest power in the universe?

(Source: Reddit)

7th Time Is the Charm

Molly Weasley after she gives birth to her sixth child but still doesn't have a girl: More MORE!

(Source: Reddit)

What a Loser

Gilderoy Lockhart Gilderoy Lockhart

(Source: Reddit)

Her Favorite Kid

Molly Weasley preparing breakfast for Harry Potter Ron Weasley @dumbledores._army

(Source: Reddit)

The Ending in a Nutshell

Voldemort using an unforgivable curse that kills you immediately Harry using a second year spell

(Source: Reddit)

You're a Wizard Dinesh

I think my Uber driver is in trouble otts Island Corolla you good? Non way am lost DINESH how did this happen dinesh EONTACT HONDA CRV 7090 TD

(Source: Reddit)

The Half-Blood Prince

Writing your own potions textbook and selling it to make a ton of galleons. Making notes in an existing textbook and leaving it around for that kid you hate to find.

(Source: Reddit)


Cornelius Fudge admit voldy is back OR draw 25 UNO

(Source: Reddit)


Harry after he uses Sectumsempra on Malfoy: LIBATIUS BORAGE's ADVANCED POTION MAKING A Fie I don't want to play with you anymore 0.

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty Obvious

Hermione discovering Lupin's secret Hermione discovering Lockhart's secret

(Source: Reddit)


When you can't get with your crush so instead you verbally abused her son for seven years Snep ะตั€ made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Lupin's Chocolate

Harry: *almost got his soul sucked by a Dementor* Lupin: Can I offer you a chocolate in this trying time?

(Source: Reddit)

Reality Is Boring

When I finish watching a Harry Potter marathon and I have to go back to muggle life.

(Source: Reddit)

At Least He Didn't Have to Work

When you receive your Hogwarts paycheck for all the teaching Barty Crouch JR did. disguised as you

(Source: Reddit)

Not Wrong


(Source: Reddit)

Hermione and the House Elves

Ron: Yeah, loads of house-elves work at Hogwarts. Hermione: And they get paid too, right? They get paid too, right?

(Source: Reddit)


How am I so good at this? I've never written code before!

(Source: Reddit)


When your dad ask you to return home at 10 pm and you return at 9:59 pm; T returned @dumbledores. army 'Out of fear, not loyalty!

(Source: Reddit)

Dumbledore Doesn't Care

Dumbledore hiring new Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers knowing the position has been cursed: SOME OF YOU MAY DIE, BUT THAT ISA SACRIFICE I AM WILLING TO MAKE smaggneratonol

(Source: Reddit)

Tom Is the Strangest Name of All

"Another swore to destroy it many years ago.. a strange boy with a strange name" To Sirius Filius Mine va Rubeus Severus Albus olirinus

(Source: Reddit)

Subtle Bias

Dumbledore gave you 60 Wait guys, I can explain points and gave me only 50 50? I only got 10 You guys are getting points from Dumbledore

(Source: Reddit)

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