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The Wildest Moments Of The Amber Heard VS Johnny Depp Trial Everyone's Talking About

Two memes from the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp Trial.
Two memes from the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp Trial.

Published April 26, 2022

Published April 26, 2022

The Amber Heard vs. Johnny Depp trial is well underway, and it's already gotten weird. It seems a bit wrong to be making memes about a trial surrounding domestic abuse, right? Well, the internet doesn't think so. For years, they've been insisting Johnny Depp does not deserve the hate against him, which was due to Amber Heard's claims that he abused her. The evidence seemed to show that Heard was the abuser; as for what that evidence actually was, we saw all of it in this trial.

While it's fueled everyone's hatred of Heard even more, it's also brought up some things about Johnny Depp that left us disappointed too. But more than anything, it’s left us with some absolutely ridiculous talking points to joke and meme about, because we're all apparently terrible people.

Amber Heard Pooping the Bed

After a fight in which he told Amber he was leaving her, Johnny Depp said he found poop in the bed, on his side, of course. It's no mystery who'd done it. Supposedly, Heard also tried to blame it on the dogs. The dogs are teacup Yorkies, which according to Depp only weigh about four pounds. The poop incident is also Depp's alibi proving that he could not have been "beating" Amber heard at the time (as she claimed), because Amber (or one of her friends) had snuck into the house and pooped in the bed at the time Heard said the beating took place. I don't think I need to explain why this news went viral.

A Makeup Brand Exposes Amber Heard for Lying

One of the biggest pieces of potential evidence that Heard was lying about being abused was the fact that she never had any visible bruises on her after the dates she claimed Depp hit her and left marks. She mentioned using a very specific type of concealer called the Milani "conceal and perfect all-in-one correcting kit." The brand Milani came out with a statement saying the kit was not released until 2017, which was after Depp and Heard were divorced, proving this part of the story couldn't have been true. The fact that a random makeup brand is the one to debunk Amber Heard is unexpected, but also kind of hilarious to all of us.

The Evidence Against Heard

Johnny Depp lost part of his middle finger while the two were together. According to him, she threw a vodka bottle at him during a fight, and the glass sliced off the tip of his finger; she claims it was self-inflicted due to a bender gone wrong. Even worse, Depp says Heard once put a cigarette out on his face by stomping on it. And then there's the audiotape where she talks about hitting Depp and essentially calls him a baby for reaching out to a friend to help. People are in complete shock about how obvious that last piece of evidence is, and it's being shared all over the internet.

The Wedding MDMA "Gang"

Apparently, trouble in the Depp and Heard marriage started early when Heard put "Dinner, Dancing and Drugs" on the official wedding schedule. As clearly stated by this schedule, Heard and her friends, which Depp just referred to as her “gang,” all did MDMA as a group at the reception. Depp's drug history is something everyone knows about already, so he didn't seem too judgmental about that fact, but the rest of us are seriously confused as to why someone would do MDMA at their own wedding.

Ben Rottenborn's Lawyer Skills

Lots of people are mocking Heard's Lawyer Ben Rottenborn for his strange forms of questioning, like repeating a question three or four times. He also seemed to be disorganized and fumbled through files for evidence a lot. Even though it's part of his job, it's always strange to see him act so accusatory towards Depp and expecting answers for questions Rottenborn clearly hasn't thought through. It's become an almost surreal experience to watch him question Depp and present evidence, and people can't get enough of it, making Rottenborn a joke online and also editing him into a popular montage video that's begun to trend (seen below).

Mega-Pint of Wine

On a similar note, during the trial, Rottenborn interrogated Depp about his alcoholism, asking if at one point he poured himself a “mega-pint of red wine” to cope with something. Depp found the phrasing particularly strange and said that he just had a large glass. The rest of us found this really weird too, and there are already lots of memes going around about this weird phrasing, and people are having trouble imagining what a “mega-pint of wine” would even look like.

@claudiaravioli Happy Saturday #megapint #johnnydepp #wine ♬ original sound – hayleehoukom

Johnny Depp's Texts

Here's the part of the trial that's more difficult for Depp's fans to talk about. Heard's lawyers made Depp read off some of his text messages about Heard and explain them, and they were vulgar and gross. While anyone talking about an ex this bad would probably be pretty rude, these were so bad I did not want to type them here because I'd get demonetized. Depp claims some of the texts were referencing a Monty Python skit, but still, they left a lot of people shocked, and that's just another reminder that we don't know the full story yet. Soon, Amber Heard is expected to testify, which is bound to be interesting. By the time there's a verdict, we'll know more, but from what we know about Depp and Heard's relationship in the trial so far, we're already sufficiently disturbed.

Tags: heard, amber heard, johnny depp, depp, amber heard vs johnny depp, news, popular, trending, pirates of the carribbean, warner brothers, twitter, aquaman, aquaman 2, amber heard poop, collections,

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