
This Month's 25 Most Relatable Memes And Tweets

Two relatable memes from the following collection.
Two relatable memes from the following collection.

Published November 13th, 2023

Published November 13, 2023

Whether you're scrolling through your favorite social media website or just browsing the internet, you will always come across a couple of memes here and there. The internet thrives and lives off of meme culture, it is its heart and soul. From dank memes to ironic memes, to cursed memes and many many more, for whatever memes you like, you will definitely find your circle.

One of these such circles is Reddit's /r/me_irl, which is considered to be one of the great when it comes to internet and meme culture. Harboring a montage of image macros, photoshopped images, and all forms of memes, this subreddit is the go-to place for meme lovers from all over the internet. A lot of these posts are not just memes, but rather a look into the absolute absurdity of everyday life. This collection has some of the best posts from the past month, so sit back and enjoy this golden nugget of the internet.

Street Smart

(Source: Reddit)

We Live In A Dystopia

(Source: Reddit)

The Consequences Of Their Actions

(Source: Reddit)

Long Distance Relationship

(Source: Reddit)

At Least You Got Gains

(Source: Reddit)

That's Not Lazy…

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks, Buddy

(Source: Reddit)

Well, Are They?

(Source: Reddit)

A Downward Spiral

(Source: Reddit)

Loyalty Is Key

(Source: Reddit)

That Doesn't Help

(Source: Reddit)

Courtesy Is Key

(Source: Reddit)

Everything's Fine

(Source: Reddit)

Social Anxiety Fears Me

(Source: Reddit)

Finally, I Have Served My Purpose

(Source: Reddit)

Too Real

(Source: Reddit)

We Live In Trying Times

(Source: Reddit)

A Tough Call

(Source: Reddit)

Gotta Make Sure

(Source: Reddit)

Gotta Show Em' Who's Boss

(Source: Reddit)

Why Must You Be Perfect?

(Source: Reddit)

Very Hopeful!

(Source: Reddit)

Never Ending Cycle

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

There Is A Very Fine Line

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: me irl, memes, relatable, funny, collections,