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Top TV Memes: The Best Formats From 'The Witcher' Season 2

Two years after the first season, The Witcher is back for its next installment. Following Geralt, Yeneffer, Ciri, and more, the second season builds off the first with more legendary memes and references for us to enjoy. The series changes dramatically from here on out, mostly in the sense that it actually has a linear plot and also involves lots of family drama between Henry Cavill's Witcher and his newly adopted “child surprise.”

The original season brought us dozens of memes, from Geralt swearing to Toss a Coin to Your Witcher. This time around was similarly influential, just as any fan of the series anticipated. It’s one of Netflix’s most popular shows, and as viewers finish up their viewing of the second season, here are the best new memes it’s created.

Most Popular Memes: Season 2, Episode 4: "Redanian Intelligence"
In season one, viewers were first introduced to the Bard Jaskier (played by Joey Batey), who sings songs about Geralt constantly, even when the situation is too inappropriate (especially then, actually). His main role in the first season is to follow Geralt around and annoy him, but after he annoys his hero too much the two separate. In this episode of season two, Jaskier performs a song about how much he hates Geralt, entitled “Burn Butcher Burn.” This is often viewed as a hate-filled tribute to lost love, and the many memes about it praise it as the best breakup songs out there.

This episodes addition of Jaskier, who looks more like an early YouTube version of Shane Dawson in this season, left many fans believing the show had confirmed the two were exes. This does not make a lot of sense (none at all, really), but it's led to a lot of memes nonetheless, and “Burn Butcher Burn” is one of the internet's favorite new songs either way.

Most Meme Potential: Season 2, Episode 1: "A Grain of Truth"
The first episode of season 2 became famous for a couple of reasons, and not just because there was another guy in very bizarre looking animal prosthetics, which seems to happen a lot in this show. This episode involves Geralt and Ciri staying in a house containing a monster, which Ciri and the animal man befriend for some reason. There's already a lot of confusion surrounding Ciri in this episode, since she looks completely different from how she looked before, and the makeup team seems to be putting zero effort into fixing this discrepancy. Some memes question whether or not Geralt is responsible for Ciri suddenly developing large dark eyebrows. Her actress, Freya Allan, grew up between seasons, but she looks so different it's as if she's been recasted.

Geralt says a line in this episode that's also become a meme, though it hasn't caught on too substantially yet. He says, “I've lived through a whole dark age and three supposed end of days,” following up with “It's all horsesh*t.” The first sentence (or both lines) have been used a lot online, especially in reference to the events of 2020, 2021 and hopefully not 2022. But whether this is the third end of days or not, this meme works great for just about any situation we've endured in the past few years.

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