white papers
Visual Analysis: Advent of the Ponypocalypse

Olivia Gulin
Okay, bronies. We get it. My Little Pony is here to stay. It's one of our biggest articles, usually takes up most of the space in the trending photos panel, and just WILL NOT GO AWAY.
Not that I would ever want so much love, peace, and unity to leave our site.
In fact, I like it. I would even say that it's been here for quite a while, in an earlier form. Rainbows, ponies, sparkles, and the like have been meme-fodder for some time. Perhaps the recent pony craze is just the crescendo of everybody's innate love for all things colorful and wholesome. Yes? No? You can comment below, or join in the discussion in the forums, On Rainbows & Unicorns.
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