Who Started The 'Save TF2' Protest And Did It Succeed? - Related Memes - Save TF2 / Fix TF2 team fortress 2 tf2 save tf2 #savetf2 bot problem bots squimjim ign valve gaming video games tf2 bots protest #fixtf2 fix tf2 june 2024 may 2022 Save TF2 / Fix TF2 AI / Artificial Intelligence internet machine robots intelligence artificial software program robot bot device technology machine learning supervised learning programmed learning curve machine intelligence rosumovi univerzální roboti karel čapek AI / Artificial Intelligence Fandoms fandom cultures media pokémon bronies whovians potterheads furries fanfiction cosplay Fandoms Gaming gaming gamer video games game industry console consoles portable pc computer handheld video games video game playing games on the computer pc gaming estle ray mann thomas t. goldsmith jr nathan grayson u.s. patent 2455992 Gaming Hashtag twitter social networking facebook tumblr instagram chris messina stowe boyd nate ritter dave coustan clay shirky greg lindley Hashtag Valve half garry freeman snack room valve steam portal team fortress life mod mind time entertainment company e3 company gabe newell mike harrington orange box garry newman gmod valve time snack room Valve Team Fortress 2 valve tf2 team fortress 2 first person shooter gaming subculture video game (title) first person shooter / fps norman rockwell dancing doe comraderay tf2 memes team fortress 2 memes Team Fortress 2 1 Entry Categories Cultures 318 Events 3,787 Memes 32,314 People 2,618 Sites 842 Subcultures 2,945