Hi, DJKing here, you may remember me from a few of my hilarious escapades such as the infamous " . . . " line, shipping random, unrelated strangers on the internet using images of anime and manga I find on the internet, or my favorite, drawing our website's mascot in a vain attempt to stay relevant.
with such a rich legacy behind me, I've decided to reboot a fun little game from olden times to boost morale and keep activity at a moderately high rate, and it'll be a miracle if this stays alive for more than a week! Reintroducing: The Backronym Game!
What's A Backronym?
Why, that's quite simple! Just take your favorite word that's not an acronym and create one out of it's letters.
Example: YUCKY – Yummy Until Cavities Kill You
How To Play?
The poster above will give a word, and the next poster must create an acronym out of said word. Once finished, the bottom poster must provide a word for the next poster, and this will continue ad infinitum (or until we get bored and it dies again)
Get it? Got it? Good! Now, let's begin!