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Booru Spammers (Warning for Posters)

Last posted Jun 04, 2015 at 08:56PM EDT. Added Jun 04, 2015 at 09:26AM EDT
18 posts from 12 users

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Spectacular Mountain

Many users of the Gallery that have been using the site 5nafbooru have found it very easy to use images they find funny, and post them to the FNaF Gallery for many new posts of tumblr by original creators end up being posted their.

After many months of posting various funny images that came from the booru site to kym, I was recently meat with this gentlemen by the name of starchy mcgee where he claimed I had posted this picture without his permission on the site ,

Though I knew right away the original owner was by the name of "qd" I refused and told the gentlemen I didn't need his permission to post on the site for it was property of booru, now knowing of booru, they've never cared much of their posts to kym tell now, so I told him this but still took it down just to nice.

10 minutes later, I get a message about this other by the name of fnafg (in the title) that threated me of taking ALL my images down for they didn't belong to me, even though that's how kym posting on the gallery work, and he thought they were all apart of booru's site only even though I had removed all images associated with booru,

Upon telling this gentlemen, I persumed the acc was fake and I had told him the images I had were fine and needed no permission unless the owner told the posters to not post unless of credit,

The owner of booru (I assume) was holding this accounting and I immediently found rather disturbing images by random spammers right after I posted that before, images of gore, sex, athiesim, and just beyond foul posts..

They were posting many images like kids cutting their eyes, from ones starved to death, and gifs of kids heads being blwon off by machine guns, at first I thought it was just spammers tell I notcied this post on my comments from the 2 that were doing this,


I thought to myself, just some troller wannabes, but really got my attention were they continued to post these images for hours, and hours.

Soon after the horrible images were posted, the owner sent me the message as seen above, and voiced my opinion.

After hearing my opinion the two spammers deleted every single comment to leave no evidence of what they had done, but I was able to pull off that screenshot of the what they had sid if I continued.

This is a warning to posters not to post on their site or they will do this to you to, I don't know how their policy works, but appearntlythis is what they will do if they see you post "their" images, to find their messed up ways to your profile.

They were posting many images like kids cutting their eyes, from ones starved to death, and gifs of kids heads being blwon off by machine guns, at first I thought it was just spammers tell I notcied this post on my comments from the 2 that were doing this

Were they spamming this on user's walls?

Last edited Jun 04, 2015 at 09:40AM EDT

So, basically, they got buttmad over some "stolen" fanart and ¿they decided to raid the site? How old are they, 12? Still, RM already took care of it.

This makes me question, what's our stance on requests for removal of fanart by the artist that made it?

Those guys literally said they hate KYM, should we listen to their request?

Loli wrote:

So, basically, they got buttmad over some "stolen" fanart and ¿they decided to raid the site? How old are they, 12? Still, RM already took care of it.

This makes me question, what's our stance on requests for removal of fanart by the artist that made it?

Those guys literally said they hate KYM, should we listen to their request?

As long as they do it maturely, then KYM should atleast consider their request.

Loli wrote:

So, basically, they got buttmad over some "stolen" fanart and ¿they decided to raid the site? How old are they, 12? Still, RM already took care of it.

This makes me question, what's our stance on requests for removal of fanart by the artist that made it?

Those guys literally said they hate KYM, should we listen to their request?

KYM has a public list of C&D records, which from looking over it seems like if you are the original author you can have your images taken down. In this case however, these spammers clearly can't handle themselves and I would therefore say that they don't deserve to have their images removed, or at least, not until they act properly.

Samekichi Kiseki wrote:

As long as they do it maturely, then KYM should atleast consider their request.

Well they didn't, by spamming the site with gore images.

Last edited Jun 04, 2015 at 12:36PM EDT

I have been watching this go down. Foxworth is the one at fault. He even said:"I can take your art, post it where I like and claim it as my own." Also, think about this before you say anything: Why does he only show one part of the conversation? He had even gone on 4chan, just look at the previous thread with comments linking to his deleted posts. He had also been told to tag the artists, the names of which can be found on the booru…He is the so-called "troll" around here. When told to stop, he only posted more. To be honest…this is quite sad…

Black Knight wrote:

I have been watching this go down. Foxworth is the one at fault. He even said:"I can take your art, post it where I like and claim it as my own." Also, think about this before you say anything: Why does he only show one part of the conversation? He had even gone on 4chan, just look at the previous thread with comments linking to his deleted posts. He had also been told to tag the artists, the names of which can be found on the booru…He is the so-called "troll" around here. When told to stop, he only posted more. To be honest…this is quite sad…

Also, you do realize there's a "Claim Authourship" button, right? They could have just used that instead of acting like retards.

Last edited Jun 04, 2015 at 01:46PM EDT

a real penis in the ass wrote:

Also, you do realize there's a "Claim Authourship" button, right? They could have just used that instead of acting like retards.

Not everyone will press that button, humans do what they want. Foxworth COULD have simply tagged the artists, he didn't even listen when he was told to do so.

a real penis in the ass wrote:

Also, you do realize there's a "Claim Authourship" button, right? They could have just used that instead of acting like retards.

Different person, you're missing the point entirely, but yeah, the issue is also that Foxworth here is conveniently omitting what they actually did that was wrong; namely trying to take credit for others' work and ignoring any request to just put the original author's name on in some form of credit, and despite the booru listing the artist on each and every picture, not giving a single thanks or credit.

Honestly, I thought this whole thing was just false-flagging, someone trying to start a fight, but it's seems that it was legit Foxworth basically sticking their junk into a wasp nest, then crying foul when they got stung for it. The claim authorship button is unfortunately trying to treat a parasite such as a tapeworm by slapping a bandage on it, considering it'd also take something like 80 or so artists to sift through this mess to claim each and every single picture Foxworth posted. Most don't care that their stuff is posted so much as just getting tagged with some form of credit.

But of course, you and the rest of the folks here will more than likely dismiss this and any other message trying to handle this more maturely for trivial reasons such as age of accounts or committing logical fallacies such as confusing the person for the argument and the like.

Last edited Jun 04, 2015 at 02:01PM EDT

aaron zzog wrote:

Different person, you're missing the point entirely, but yeah, the issue is also that Foxworth here is conveniently omitting what they actually did that was wrong; namely trying to take credit for others' work and ignoring any request to just put the original author's name on in some form of credit, and despite the booru listing the artist on each and every picture, not giving a single thanks or credit.

Honestly, I thought this whole thing was just false-flagging, someone trying to start a fight, but it's seems that it was legit Foxworth basically sticking their junk into a wasp nest, then crying foul when they got stung for it. The claim authorship button is unfortunately trying to treat a parasite such as a tapeworm by slapping a bandage on it, considering it'd also take something like 80 or so artists to sift through this mess to claim each and every single picture Foxworth posted. Most don't care that their stuff is posted so much as just getting tagged with some form of credit.

But of course, you and the rest of the folks here will more than likely dismiss this and any other message trying to handle this more maturely for trivial reasons such as age of accounts or committing logical fallacies such as confusing the person for the argument and the like.

Yes, I agree with the fact that Foxworth isn't entirely innocent. That's not really the point here though – hundreds of people upload stuff onto KYM every day without citing the original artist, after all, and while it is still something that isn't "exactly right", I think we can all agree that group harassing someone repeatedly when the option of using the "Claim Authourship" button is available is the worse of two evils.

I don't really see why someone doing something that happens literally all the time that can be fairly easily worked around due to a system that's already in place is anywhere near as notable as the fact that the opposing party essentially threw a 12-year old esque tirade because they didn't get what they wanted.

If they had used this option, it probably would have worked, they would have received the credit they wanted and they may have even gotten Fox punished for refusing to comply with the artist's request.

Last edited Jun 04, 2015 at 02:26PM EDT

a real penis in the ass wrote:

Yes, I agree with the fact that Foxworth isn't entirely innocent. That's not really the point here though – hundreds of people upload stuff onto KYM every day without citing the original artist, after all, and while it is still something that isn't "exactly right", I think we can all agree that group harassing someone repeatedly when the option of using the "Claim Authourship" button is available is the worse of two evils.

I don't really see why someone doing something that happens literally all the time that can be fairly easily worked around due to a system that's already in place is anywhere near as notable as the fact that the opposing party essentially threw a 12-year old esque tirade because they didn't get what they wanted.

If they had used this option, it probably would have worked, they would have received the credit they wanted and they may have even gotten Fox punished for refusing to comply with the artist's request.

You're dismissing the point, and yes, it could've been as simple as using the Claim Authorship button, but Foxworth felt it necessary to not only show up in the den of scum and villainy, but then proceeded to shout at the top of his lungs that he's going to continue stealing and not giving a shit about giving credit where credit is due and there's nothing said den of scum and villainy can do about it. Whether or not he's aware of it, he basically went out and actively looked to pick a fight.

While I'm hardly the one in charge or anything, I will say that it's pretty common that a bad childish behavior is often retaliated with similarly childish bad behavior in most modern socieities. Child screams, parent screams back for child to shut up. Not saying it's correct, just that it's rather common.

Having seen similar instances of this sort of stuff countless times in the past, I predict the possibility of a few outcomes, probably among the worst possible is things escalating. Would rather not have this spiral out of control, but as Foxworth is one of you, it reflects very badly especially that you're more or less letting poor behavior slide which is part of the reason I'm here, to suggest perhaps let you deal with their fate rather than provoking the folks elsewhere to deal with it rather messily. Extradition might go rather poorly in an instance such as this.

As for why we haven't been using the button, it's a huge mess to clean up and the onus is entirely on Foxworth technically, not to mention the painstaking effort made by a few of us to sift through each and every single one of the (at the time of this posting) 21k images on our booru to find each and every image that Foxworth stole and is attempting to take credit for when every image on said booru has the original artist in the tags; something that when we brought it up to Foxworth made him say "Whatever, I don't care, feck off." While not his exact words, more or less the effect.

To reiterate, we don't care if you post our dumb 5n@f stuffs here, so long as credit's given where it can be. We were ready to drop things when Foxworth abruptly showed up at our doorstep to inform us that he's been stealing stuff and doesn't give a shit about giving credit. Might be a better idea to let you folks deal with however you normally punish someone guilty of this sort of behavior rather than dragging 'foreigners' into the mess, as it were.

Not sure of protocols for linking stuff here, but going to try and link a few screens for evidence?
There's more, these are just the biggest "Fuck you"s we received so far. We were keeping it relatively civil until about this point when he was posting.

The owner of booru (I assume) was holding this accounting and I immediently found rather disturbing images by random spammers right after I posted that before, images of gore, sex, athiesim, and just beyond foul posts..

After hearing my opinion the two spammers deleted every single comment to leave no evidence of what they had done, but I was able to pull off that screenshot of the what they had sid if I continued.

Someone notified me of those folks yeah. I suspended the random spammers, and the dude that spammed the gore was just straight out banned. Banning him also took care of his gore posts all at once, saved me the trouble of digging through them.

If you notice these gore posts again on you own or someone else's wall, please notify a moderator with ban powers right away and we'll swiftly take care of it.

Last edited Jun 04, 2015 at 08:49PM EDT

Black Knight wrote:

Not everyone will press that button, humans do what they want. Foxworth COULD have simply tagged the artists, he didn't even listen when he was told to do so.

Gotta agree with this dude here btw. If you are too lazy to tag the art when you are perfectly capable of doing that, then don't be suprised if the original artist gets mad at your behavior because honestly you're just being a stealing dick.

However, as was said, those guys acted like immature childs. If they had contacted a moderator and made us aware that their art was being stolen with the uploader not giving a single shit about their wishes, then we would've acted. The art would've been removed if they could proof it was their work and the uploader would have to deal with the consequences.

Instead, I saw gore spam. I'm sorry bro but when you go that route I'm quickly hitting that ban button.

Not sure of protocols for linking stuff here, but going to try and link a few screens for evidence?

Thanks for those. I've suspended OP for being an idiot and send others warning to make certain to source their uploads.

One thing I'm confused about though: Foxworth, the OP of this thread, has no image uploads showing on his profile? Are you certain we're talking about the same dude here because stealing art by uploading it to KYM and then not actually uploading anything is kinda weird. It's Foxy The Pirate Fox who uploads art like there's no tomorrow.

Edit: Aight it seems OP deleted the images himself. Another mystery solved.

Last edited Jun 04, 2015 at 08:59PM EDT

I was actually thinking about making something about this in general before this issue came up, but I suppose I could post this now.

Don't get me wrong, the guy who posted porn/gore is clearly in the wrong, and I agree with RandomMan's decision on ban. That having been said, if an instance of this comes up again, both sides please try to handle it more maturely.

People who upload images to Know Your Meme find images from a variety of different places. While some may get them from an artist's blog or art site account, many will get them from other places like 4chan, Pinterest, or other sites that do not list the creator. Know Your Meme is supposed to be a internet documentation site, not an art theft site (though I know very few people who claim to be authors of the works they upload). While I urge people to try to use things like Sauce Nao and Google Reverse Image Search, to try and source images, there is no real way to enforce this. The best we can do is try and put gallery notifications up, reminding them to try and source. Even then, sometimes using the best search tools will not find the original source.

Of course, there are different priorities to sourcing as well. One advice animal image be impossible to find, as it's literally the exact same image used sometimes hundreds of times over with different text. While if you have the source it's better to include it, I doubt the person who added the text to that image will be particularly upset if it is reused without sourcing. Fanart/fancomics that someone put a great deal of effort into is a bit more important, and often times is much easier to find the source of.

As for "permissions to post", I would suggest people try not to upload things that say "do not reblog/repost without permission" but again, there's no real way to enforce this. If all they are requesting is something in the notes linking to the source, and they give you it, this is insanely easy, just do it. You should really be doing it already. If there is a request to remove an image from the site by the original creator, and they don't want it on the site even if it dose link back to their page, we are usually willing to work with them, provided they don't act like what happened here.

Either way, sourcing images is less likely to cause these issues in the first place. While I'm not a strict about sourcing like these guys, in a perfect world, every image on the site would have a source.

Also, there are some occasions where sourcing the upload can help with meme entry research, even if the entry is written long after the image was uploaded.


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