If you haven't played it yet, now is your chance!
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Portal is FREE on Steam Right Now
Last posted
May 16, 2010 at 01:24PM EDT.
May 13, 2010 at 12:44PM EDT
32 posts
15 users
Do it. It is literally one of the wittiest games I have ever played, and this coming from a videogaming nerd who has been playing for over half his life.
Do it.
Do it nine times.
(Seriously, its gameplay is extremely innovative and addicting despite the simplicity, and the cynical humor hearkens back to Paranoia (if you've played/heard of it).
Also, if you play it, you will get delicious cake, so that's fun too.
Sweatie Killer
Great game, 1st few levels are basic walk throughs, but it picks up after a bit and thats when it gets fun.
I wish I had steam. Dont have the Computer power to support it tho.
Do it live!
ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? I'm installing as we speak. er type.
@Psychotia: I caught your HomestarRunner reference.
Sweatie Killer
You guys think they will ever make a portal 2?
Also I heard Gordon Freeman gets his hands on the portal gun.
How long is this AWESOME deal up?? Because I NEEEEED TO KNOWWWWWWW
^May 24. ACT NOW!
Wish i could :/
Even if your computer can't run it. Do it anyway. Who knows, you may one day transfer hard drives to a better computer… >_>
v You to the past version of yourself
@Chris, the image is not displayed
And thanks but the most my laptop can run is Halo 2 at max settings. I doubt it will run Portal at a rate that I will enjoy.
Portal would run fine. Just try it.
Ok ok…. Im a noob at steam, I know about it and all but does it cost money to set up or keep active?
can I pause/resume downloads?
Yup, it pretty much auto does that for you if you exit steam too, I believe. Just right click the download and click pause.
PleaseDelete MyAccount
eh, if i could play it on a 98 computer 3 years ago before my steam got hacked, you can play it on anything…
PleaseDelete MyAccount
except of cource a mac… HOW THE HELL DO YOU SEND A ORANGE PORTAL
can't you reconfigure the controls?
Unless the mac version is screwed to heck, I would assume that you could reconfigure the controls.
i would do it if mai video card was not out of date along with my sound card
I did it.
Now my productivity is officially zero.
Also, I signed up for the KYM steam group.
@blubber: FINNALY! It's good to have you on board blubber!
There's a KYM Steam Group? Searching…Found, and Joined!
I just joined the KYM steam group.
Footage of me being stupid in game.
Got portal on 360. No biggy.