You might not know this, but I enjoy gardening, not because I enjoy watching things grow and reaping their benefits, but because Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours was right. The only real wealth of nations can be found on Earth’s bounty. Land is everything and gardening reminds me of such. However, I do not need the Earth’s bounty to get me rich for you see I am a Gentleman Farmer. This means I farm for pleasure and not for wealth. For my means of wealth I have my ancestral lands that house villages that I gain rent from tenant farmers.
Farming is lots of fun. I am tired of hearing all these so called regular farmers complaining about how farming is the only means of life for them. Hogwash! Why can’t they simply rent their land out like I did? I have acquired much wealth from simply doing this, but it’s not like I didn’t need this surplus. I can manage with the bare necessities in life. Like it isn’t necessary for me to defecate in a solid gold toilet, I could manage doing one in one of pure silver instead or maybe one of fine porcelain. Well maybe not, but the point is I don’t need to actually farm to support my lifestyle. I simply do it for fun.
Also I keep hearing about farmers in Africa complaining about how they can’t water their crops, that there isn’t enough water. Well I don’t want to sound like a genius or their savior or anything of that nature. But it sounds like they haven’t figured out that water comes from hoses. Silly Africans! No wonder you keep starving, you don’t have any hoses to water your plants.