What does the rest of teh internet think of us? Nerds? Noobs? Nothing much? Someone please fill me in on this cos it's been bugging me recently.
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Do they like us?
Last posted
Jul 19, 2010 at 09:17PM EDT.
Jul 18, 2010 at 05:07PM EDT
31 posts
17 users
Depends on who.
Many sites love us, while other sites (some of ED, and all of 711chan) have an unnatural hatred of us based on false information.
Sweatie Killer
IDK but your not welcome into my secret club house.
Hmm… interesting… Are we like, Jedi Librarians?
Sweatie Killer
No, more like librarians on the internet.
Why would anyone hate KYM?
We have the most fun!
Everybody loves us! Now lets go spam Encyclopedia Dramatica in the 4chan party van!
Sweatie Killer
Do not start any wars.
Sweatie Killer
Damn, I already put it in my PDA
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All the hate comes from the fact that your parent company got 6+ million from Sony from selling internet culture when places like ED have barely any money to pay for bandwidth.
@Watcher please explain what this "false information" is. I believe the reason the majority of the internet hates you is because of the reason I have stated.
I think that internet thinks KYM is a pretty cool guy eh kils forced memes and doesn't afraid of deadpool.
All the hate comes from the fact that your parent company got 6+ million from Sony from selling internet culture when places like ED have barely any money to pay for bandwidth.
Do you have any valid proof of this, aside from an outdated link which Rocketboom people specifically said that deal ended in 2008 ?
Can you tell us why KYM wouldn't be different to RocketBoom in its management ?
Hum, have you understood that mememolly never was the KYM host and that her username means Me Me Molly, not Meme molly ?
And, above all, can you show to us step by step how we can sell out memes ?
- If you're talking about the T-shirts, you were the first to sell longcat shirts. What makes you more legitimate than us ?
- Were you talking about the web-series ? The same web-series which slowly try to show how to fight DMCA and takedown attempts ?
I quote from one of Chris Menning's handmade comments : "I hope they will understand one day that we are trying as hard as them to preserve Internet culture"
- Is it because of our user base ?
Well, when I see the increasing flowing of randomness on the forum, and compare it to some ED threads, I don't see much of a difference. I agree on the fact that most of our active members are young, very young. But I don't see how it can be problematic.
We come from the same backgrounds as you may do, Dr_Rice.
I, personnaly, have been on 4chan since 2005-2006 and it's not the only bulletin board I've been on. I laughed many times at ED's articles, finding them accurate on some themes. I just don't really like that "precious" mentality composed of "we are better than everyone else period" and internet drama, because I don't believe in the "preciousness" of internet culture the same way you are showing it and the drama you're desesperately trying to bring with it.
I think you have to realize that you are quite the only people to seriously dislike that website. And your arguments, we have understood it too well. It's not about "fighting the corporate take on online freedom" but simply jealousy…
When I see that, among the reasons, some 711channers dare to point at 1-2 threads on this forum from users who didn't like their first discovery of 4chan (only those 2 threads of course) and, at the same time, saying that we are pussies who don't dare to look straight into the ocean of randomness they "create", and yet they praise as an argument the fact that we allegedly do the same concerning their culture.
Oh, the irony.
If you really want to spread a definite hate campaign on KYM, please base it on real flaws or real questionable things. Don't do it like dumb 9/11 truthers talking about cyphers and squids.
That way, we (well, at least I) will believe you and work to change it.
I believe the reason the majority of the internet hates you is because of the reason I have stated.
Hopefully, you aren't the majority of the Internet.
tl; but did read. You, monsieur, are absolutely right.
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Yes jealously from you being such successful Jews.
Also, Jews did WTC.
YES!!! THE TOMBERRY here's-why-you're-wrong-trolls! RANT!
Also, @thread: I once made a thread on /b/ asking what they thought of us. 80% of the posts were like, "Well, they get rid of tons of newfags. I think they're all right."
@ Ritterburder Wait, your telling me that Rocketboom are part of Sony?
Hyperborea Odyssea Hackeron
Most people I've talked to about KYM say that they like it for the way it organizes images.
@ Dinner
No, they are not ONLY a part of Sony. They are a part of Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, Apple, and of course, NASA.
Don't forget about the FBI.
And we're partners with MI6.
Hyperborea Odyssea Hackeron
And zombie Nazis. We can't forget about the zombie Nazis.
Why was I not told of this?
This is the last time I go to our how-to-own-all-internet-culture meetings!
And zombie Nazis. We can’t forget about the zombie Nazis.
But what if those nazi zombies were eaten by jewish werewolf vampires ?
It wouldn't matter. They're still just ripping off Twilight.
Hyperborea Odyssea Hackeron
That's impossible. The zombie Nazis always triumph.
Unless the consequences never are the same.
Hyperborea Odyssea Hackeron
I thought I back-traced that already.
We're the god damn cyber police. Everybody loves us.
Sweatie Killer
"All the hate comes from the fact that your parent company got 6+ million from Sony from selling internet culture when places like ED have barely any money to pay for bandwidth."
Lets clear something up, ED makes money by spamming porn, and other random adverts.
So how is that any different?
Ed, its a rip off of uncyclopedia, so before you talk, stop being a EDiot.
According to Uncyclopedia
ED is dead"In early 2007, the admins started putting up fake "We desperately need moar money" banners on top of the pages to scam money out of their dumbass readers. On May 17, 2007, they closed the site down to make it appear as though the site had truly died. Acne-ridden teenagers everywhere would cry unto the heavens, right before slitting their wrists. A few days later, the site came back like a bad case of crabs. "
The poor people, they suire are porrz.
"There is no real war. But every once in a while the 12-year-olds from lame-ass Encyclopedia Dramatica will try to start some shit with Uncyclopedia. This is because they are insecure about their unfunniness. One Uncyclopedia user even suggested a contest to see which is funnier. Here's a better idea: Let's compare cow shit with horse shit and see which has the best fragrance. "
fun fact
Did you know ED also stands for Erectile Dysfunction.