I lol'd
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A Completely Normal Japanese History of Justin Beiber
Last posted
Jul 22, 2010 at 02:40AM EDT.
Jul 19, 2010 at 07:21PM EDT
11 posts
11 users
It's actually from Taiwan. D:
And the part where he gets beat up by the Jonas Brothers was awesome. AWESOME.
I understood 0% of that but I lol'd anyway…
a history of gordon brown
Does anyone speak Chinese?
About 1 billion people.
Have an internet, good chap.
@Jamie Dubs
I'm not fluent, but I took two years- so I know enough of the basics to be vaguely useful.
Sweatie Killer
Wait what is gonig on?
Done and done.
"The Internet Turns on Justin Beiber"
Note: they refer to him as "Little Justin". :p
This post also marks my return to KYM after my two month absense.
Watching that Gordon Brown video was like watching the political version of Grand Theft Auto. In a good way.
And the Jonas Brothers beating up Justin Bieber was amazing. :D