i HOPE wE canbE GOOd FRiENDS. i AM FROM MeRcUrY. We lOvE To bE frineds. i NEED TO bE nEW here.
i aM nEW hERE. lETS aLL hOPE i aM hERE. i AM heRE. im hERE tO sTAY. i aM gOING tO conTRibute.
Forums / Discussion / General
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hELLO 1A!A8♠ i/M lnEW.
Last posted
Aug 06, 2010 at 05:54PM EDT.
Aug 05, 2010 at 02:04PM EDT
38 posts
21 users
Hi, let me show you the way out.
wHAT dO yOU meAN? i wANT tO bE hERE anD heLP oN tHE prOJECT.m,-7?☻6♣6♥☻1
y dO yoU tYpe LiKe tHis. aNywHo i hOpe U wiLl likE iT hERe, mR. zALgO
i HOPE wE canbE GOOd FRiENDS. i AM FROM MeRcUrY. We lOvE To bE frineds. i NEED TO bE nEW here.
i aM nEW hERE. lETS aLL hOPE i aM hERE. i AM heRE. im hERE tO sTAY. i aM gOING tO conTRibute.
Hello there, I hope we can be good friends in the near future. Just so you know, I happen to be from Mercury. The people at Mercury love to be friends with one another. I need to be new here because I happen not to be old here. Let's us all hope and pray that I am actually here. Holy crap, I am here. I will stay here forever. I will contribute to the godly website that is Knowyourmeme. (Symbols that make no sense)
Can you type normally, please?
It Seems That You Earthlings Don't Enjoy My PResence On This Cybergenetically Created WebS♀te.
Edit: I Don't Have ANy Relations With Jejemons, Nor DO I Even Like Them.
h1$ wUD b3 j3j3m0n1$m.
4 p'r46r4ph (fr0m D4 6r33k p'r46r4ph0$, \"0 wr1+3 b3$1D3\" 0r \"wr1++3n b3$1D3\") 1$ 4 $37f-c0n+41n3D Un1+ 0f 4 D1$c0Ur$3 1n wr1+1n6 D3471n6 w1+h 4 p'r+1cU74r ph0w$zzZZ1n+ 0r 1D34. p'r46r4ph$ c0n$1$+ 0f 0n3 0r mUhr3 $3n+3nc3$.[1][2] D4 $4r 0f 4 p'r46r4ph 1$ 1nD1c4+3D by b361nn1n6 0n 4 n3w 71n3. $0m3+1m3$ D4 f1r$+ 71n3 1$ 1nD3n+3D. 4+ v4r10U$ 1m3$, D4 b361nn1n6 0f 4 p'r46r4ph h4$ b33n 1nD1c43D by D4 p17cr0w: ¶.
I Try My Hardest To Talk Like A Human Being
We don't wish to go to war with you, Mercury.
Our Earthlings are a bit xenophobic.
Have you ever seen The Day the Earth Stood Still?
Sort of like that, except you type in Mercury.
No, What Is A Movie? iT Says That That IS a MOVie.
Well, we're either dealing with a troll or an alien. If it's a troll, what else is new. If it's an alien, I sense a get-rich-quick scheme.
I,for one,welcome our new alien overlords.
i Am An Alien. What Is Rich? Where can I find That out?
What are aliens?
Hyperborea Odyssea Hackeron
My brother!
Sweatie Killer
hai guise wat tis thed abut you.
I'm frightened.
quick, some one call the MIB
Sweatie Killer
y .i. u so ba gamer, ?
zoo, you don't have to wear a facade around us. You can be yourself!
You can be our friend!
or you can be our enemy. >:U
Sweatie Killer
Than yuo can b a cool buddy, and be all like yeah and stuff, and we will be cool, liok the KLM website,,,,
Don't brainwash anyone and i think we'll get along juuust fine :)
Tommy Mimz has evolved into Jejemimz!
oKAY. I Am Trying Very Extremely To Be A Good.
Friend And I Wonr Bane♣Wosh Anyone.
You seem like a dirty dirty Shisno.
And then 711chan started to clone aliens, maybe?
I leave for one day and an alien 711channer appears?!
Can we Kill the Troll now? :O
WhAT iS Seven Eleven Channel?
@Troll-No, EsCaPe WhILe YoU sTiLl CaN!!!
This thread is now a "You rage, you lose" thread.
So Alien dude, what planet do you hail from?
Sweatie Killer
I get my coffer at 7/11.