Document anything that companies, websites, YouTubers, etc. are doing for this year's April's Fools.
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April Fools 2020
Last posted
Apr 03, 2020 at 11:14PM EDT.
Mar 31, 2020 at 10:53PM EDT
33 posts
19 users
Can't wait for this site to be flooded with trash entries.
TvTropesRuinedMyLife wrote:
Can't wait for this site to be flooded with trash entries.
Dammit, look what you done!
>Know your Pickle
Alright, see yall in 24 hours.
Overwatch put googly eyes on their heroes
Dragalia Lost is having an event where a cute dog snuck into the Halidome and everyone wants the dog.
r/FireEmblemHeroes announced a FEH Pass sister subreddit.
TF2 is doing its usual all taunts are the Schadenfreude taunt.
4Chan is infected with COVID 19.
40k Theories had a live QnA session with Robot Gorrilasuit.
FEH is doing an event where everyone is replaced with 8bit versions of the main lords.
I'll post more if it gets revealed over the course of the day.
Now all the ad bots are pickles too! They're pickle ad bots!
4chan infected and turns posts green with infection
imgur is bananas "how many bananas can fit in this post?" 0-9001
You better not making april fools jokes on twitter or you can get banned (unironically)
and r/historymemes is taken over by r/prequelmemes
Derpibooru looks like a late 90's site, Simtropolis has upside down avatars and magic buttons, and Anton Petrov uploades this:
furry-irl is now veggie_irl
Veggie🍑irl from r/furry_irl
the early upload of the TTGD PAMG fusion collab is actually a rickroll fusion collab
r/baseball is now a marble sub.
Checked to see if any Youtubers I watch have posted videos for this day, so far Truegreen7 posted this.
Gamexplain reveals that Nintendo themed DLC is coming to the remake of Panzar Dragoon.
looks like jeremy got confused
SiIvagunner made a Rip of an April Fools Joke Splatoon Game from Mike Inel.
the channel is actually making lots of rips for april fools jokes
The alt-history mods Kaiserreich (what if Germany won WWI), Old World Blues (Fallout mod), and Equestria at War (MLP mod) have each merged into "Caeserreich, Apocalypse at War". Each mod took their own spin on the merge.
Bamco did a mock fighting game for Tales of series
Alternate History Hub, who tries to avoid modern political topics, did a video on if Trump had never been elected president and instead elected the right man for the job
PapaGenos is now PapaByleth
AEW announced King of the Tigers
Chuggaaconroy began and finished his Let's Play of Super Mario Land.
Pringus McDingus premiered the follow up to his most successful animation with Hi I'm Daisy 2.
Lumpy Touch introduced his latest characters in Super Mario Rock Bros.
I Hate Everything shared his love for the Madagascar Cinematic Universe.
YourMovieSucksDOTorg listed off the Top 10 Films of 1396.
I had entirely spaced out I Hate Everything.
For Shovelry and Foolery!
I like this one.
Projared did a review of Final Fantasy 7 remake, which he talk about the game's…noticeable downgrade here
Relax Alax analyzed the Best DVD Menu in History that is Shrek 2, which is surprisingly insightful
Scott The Woz sold his soul to the devil I mean, Raid: Shadow Legends
forgot about these
True king of meme reviews came back for a day
Everyone's favorite Swedish online personality (no, not Pewdiepie) Joel from Vinesauce did his yearly Swedish stream.