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April Fools 2020

Last posted Apr 03, 2020 at 11:14PM EDT. Added Mar 31, 2020 at 10:53PM EDT
33 posts from 19 users

Dragalia Lost is having an event where a cute dog snuck into the Halidome and everyone wants the dog.

r/FireEmblemHeroes announced a FEH Pass sister subreddit.

TF2 is doing its usual all taunts are the Schadenfreude taunt.

4Chan is infected with COVID 19.

40k Theories had a live QnA session with Robot Gorrilasuit.

FEH is doing an event where everyone is replaced with 8bit versions of the main lords.

I'll post more if it gets revealed over the course of the day.

You better not making april fools jokes on twitter or you can get banned (unironically)
and r/historymemes is taken over by r/prequelmemes

Chuggaaconroy began and finished his Let's Play of Super Mario Land.
Pringus McDingus premiered the follow up to his most successful animation with Hi I'm Daisy 2.
Lumpy Touch introduced his latest characters in Super Mario Rock Bros.
I Hate Everything shared his love for the Madagascar Cinematic Universe.
YourMovieSucksDOTorg listed off the Top 10 Films of 1396.

Last edited Apr 01, 2020 at 10:57PM EDT

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