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Reddit Has Banned The_Donald And ChapoTrapHouse

Last posted Jun 30, 2020 at 04:21PM EDT. Added Jun 29, 2020 at 01:49PM EDT
22 posts from 15 users

Good riddance I say.

Article –

Edit: Also 2000 subs have been banned along with them.

Last edited Jun 29, 2020 at 01:52PM EDT

Evilthing wrote:

Let me guess, the polices against so-called "Hate speech" go only one way and affect only one side?

Uhh no, you do realize CTH got banned too.

Adpocalypse 2
Major advertisers are pulling out of Instagram and Facebook over politics – effectively they don't want to be tied to any position (why would they – they cater to all political positions when it comes to sales). Major social-media companies are watching this unfold and realizing that they are just as susceptible to the revenue loss and making pre-emptive moves to cut anything problematic.

Some of the subreddits that were banned and why based on what I was able to gather. Additional info would be appreciated, since I haven't heard of half of these subs.

r/the_donald – You all know why

r/chapotraphouse – Apparently the LeftWing r/the_donald if reddit comments are to be believed, others believe it was a sacrifice to "both sides" the ban wave. I haven't heard of it before so additional info would be nice

r/gendercritical – TERFville, honestly if they wanted a left-wing sacrifice, this shithole would suffice

r/ConsumeProduct – Apparently full of Jew hate if the thread it so be believed

r/ClericalFascism – Anything with Fascism in it's name is bound to be a loving and welcoming community

r/smuggies – No clue what this is

r/DebateAltRight – >Debate >Reddit >Pick One (AltRight's known for love and acceptance, right?)

r/bruhfunny – No clue

r/ShitNeoconsSay – Subreddit dedicated to hating on a political ideology judging by the name, always full of love

r/soyboys – I'm just gonna headcanon that this sub was banned because the soyboy meme is pure cancer (real answer is I have no clue, probably hating on the left)

r/imgoingtohellforthis2 – No clue, but judging by the 2, this is the second time they've been banned

r/AltRightChristian – Again, AltRight, pretty self-explanatory.

r/TheHonkPill – No clue

r/topnotchshitposting – No clue, possible false advertising, since if their shitposting was topnotch I would have heard of it

r/TheNewRight – Sounds like rejects the Right didn't want, the AltAltRight?

r/DarkHumorAndMemes – No clue

r/rightwingLGBT – Banned for being an oxymoron

r/whitebeauty – You get three guesses and the first two don't count

r/The3rdPosition – No clue

r/smuggies – Fucking Reddit thread I stole this from can't proof read for shit

r/wewuzkangs – Take a guess

Evilthing wrote:

What's that?

Also, can anyone give a a summary what the banned subreddits were about?

r/ChapoTrapHouse is lefty Donald.

poochyena wrote:

how long until all political subs are gone. If not the admin, the sub moderators will ban you. My account was banned ~2 years ago.

I think any political sub that one way or another divulges into just being one-side of the spectrum eventually evolves into a "hating the otherside" circle-jerk. I'm personally waiting for the day r/politics gets wiped, that place is a rightwing hating ciricle-jerk if I ever saw one.

Those circlejerks often happen because anything that's 50/50 controversial tends to get locked. Because many mods don't like heated debates.

Last edited Jun 29, 2020 at 07:13PM EDT

Ryumaru Borike wrote:

Some of the subreddits that were banned and why based on what I was able to gather. Additional info would be appreciated, since I haven't heard of half of these subs.

r/the_donald – You all know why

r/chapotraphouse – Apparently the LeftWing r/the_donald if reddit comments are to be believed, others believe it was a sacrifice to "both sides" the ban wave. I haven't heard of it before so additional info would be nice

r/gendercritical – TERFville, honestly if they wanted a left-wing sacrifice, this shithole would suffice

r/ConsumeProduct – Apparently full of Jew hate if the thread it so be believed

r/ClericalFascism – Anything with Fascism in it's name is bound to be a loving and welcoming community

r/smuggies – No clue what this is

r/DebateAltRight – >Debate >Reddit >Pick One (AltRight's known for love and acceptance, right?)

r/bruhfunny – No clue

r/ShitNeoconsSay – Subreddit dedicated to hating on a political ideology judging by the name, always full of love

r/soyboys – I'm just gonna headcanon that this sub was banned because the soyboy meme is pure cancer (real answer is I have no clue, probably hating on the left)

r/imgoingtohellforthis2 – No clue, but judging by the 2, this is the second time they've been banned

r/AltRightChristian – Again, AltRight, pretty self-explanatory.

r/TheHonkPill – No clue

r/topnotchshitposting – No clue, possible false advertising, since if their shitposting was topnotch I would have heard of it

r/TheNewRight – Sounds like rejects the Right didn't want, the AltAltRight?

r/DarkHumorAndMemes – No clue

r/rightwingLGBT – Banned for being an oxymoron

r/whitebeauty – You get three guesses and the first two don't count

r/The3rdPosition – No clue

r/smuggies – Fucking Reddit thread I stole this from can't proof read for shit

r/wewuzkangs – Take a guess

I can clear stuff up about some of these

r/smuggies was about counter signal memes

r/bruhfunny is supposed to be an ironic meme sub, but had a lot of racist posts

r/ShitNeoconsSay is about neoconservatism, but many of its users were open ethnonationalists

r/imgoingtohellforthis2 is the followup to r/imgoingtohellforthis, an edgy racist meme sub that locked itself off after getting quarantined

r/The3rdPosition – basically like Nazbol, culturally far right, economically far left

other banned subs include r/BigChungus, which I have no idea why, and r/100acres, which is also ethnonationalist

Last edited Jun 29, 2020 at 07:14PM EDT

I have a strong feeling r/honkpill was likely an altright sub that used "honkler" memes if the name is anything to go by.

With the two biggest subs that were aimed at the far right (The_Donald) and the far left (Chaptraphouse) now gone I kinda wonder what boards might get infiltrated by "refugees." Last I saw I remember there being some worry that r/actualpublicfreakouts was being infiltrated by actual racists who only post videos of black-on-white violence in hopes of starting an actual race war.

Bilbo Swaggins wrote:

I can clear stuff up about some of these

r/smuggies was about counter signal memes

r/bruhfunny is supposed to be an ironic meme sub, but had a lot of racist posts

r/ShitNeoconsSay is about neoconservatism, but many of its users were open ethnonationalists

r/imgoingtohellforthis2 is the followup to r/imgoingtohellforthis, an edgy racist meme sub that locked itself off after getting quarantined

r/The3rdPosition – basically like Nazbol, culturally far right, economically far left

other banned subs include r/BigChungus, which I have no idea why, and r/100acres, which is also ethnonationalist

"r/ShitNeoconsSay is about neoconservatism, but many of its users were open ethnonationalists"

bruh, like, I expected it would've been antifa shit but no they apparently hated them for not being far right enough. Neo-Nazis are fucking scum.


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