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Last posted 13 years ago. Added 13 years ago
32 posts from 21 users

I've been working on a new website for watching videos the last few months and am happy to announce that it's now available for public beta testing. Love to hear what you guys think =>

More info in the blog post.

Edit: iframe embed didn't work

Last edited 13 years ago

This is another way of sharing videos between friends, websites, and other cool shiznat.

I've already found a lot of cool videos that I wouldn't have found without it.

I checked it out, wheres the search bar?

Edit: oh waits its a site that filters all the crap out on Youtube, correct me if I am wrong, just saw a link to Youtube.

Random button would be cool.

Seems pretty cool.

Last edited 13 years ago

Jamie Dubs wrote:

Search coming soon, along with random buttons and lots more! Hard at work

Don't think I am implying you did not do a good job, its pretty pretty okay in my opinion.

Edit: at best "meh".

Last edited 13 years ago

I think the buttons on the Dashboard should be another color, so you can see them against the black background.

truedecadence wrote:

this is an advertisement isn´t it?

I'd say this is more of a shoutout than advertising, considering Jamie's involvement with KYMdb (he built it!). IMHO, the thing kinda advertises itself. :D

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