In America, you pwn n00b; in Soviet Russia, n00bs pwn YOU!
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In Soviet Russia
Last posted
Aug 07, 2011 at 02:13PM EDT.
Jul 31, 2011 at 12:26AM EDT
60 posts
25 users
In Soviet Russia, thread makes you. Not having ability to make person without existing first, thread is forced to turn to first world internet producers for its own existence.
Natsuru Springfield
ModeratorSr. Forum Moderator & Karma Tycoon & Karma Philanthropist & Community Artist & Shrine Maiden
Inb4 RussianFedora.
^The universe just exploded.
Sweatie Killer
Inb4 "looks its this thread again." again.
Natsuru Springfield
ModeratorSr. Forum Moderator & Karma Tycoon & Karma Philanthropist & Community Artist & Shrine Maiden
In Soviet Russia, the thread is probably thinking: "Oh look, these users again!"
In Soviet Russia, you create god.
Natsuru Springfield
ModeratorSr. Forum Moderator & Karma Tycoon & Karma Philanthropist & Community Artist & Shrine Maiden
Wait, but did God nessasarly create us? Or did we think him up and create him?
Either way, "Without Faith, I am nothing."
In Soviet Russia however…
In America,you lost The Game;In Soviet Russia,you still lost The Game.
In America, you Google, in Soviet Russia, Google you!
In Soviet Russia, war creates you!
Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender
In soviet Russia, you ask magnets how mormons work!
In Soviet Russia, [something witty]!
In Soviet Russia, sentry builds you!
In Soviet Russia, Sentry saps Spies!
In Soviet Russia, Magic is Friendship.
In Soviet Russia, anime watch you!
Wsxdas, The Last Kramabender
In soviet Russia, small children touch pedobear!
In Soviet Russia meme knows you.
In Soviet Minecraft, you explode creepers.
In Soviet Russia memes lol at you
In Soviet Russia, full stop forgets to put you.
In soviet russia, AAAAHHH MOTHERLAND!!!
Natsuru Springfield
ModeratorSr. Forum Moderator & Karma Tycoon & Karma Philanthropist & Community Artist & Shrine Maiden
In Soviet Russia, woman rape you!
In America, you listen to man on radio. In Soviet Russia, man on radio listen to you!
In Soviet Russia, Immigrants deport you
In America, you go skiing, in Soviet Russia, you go Grizzly Bear dodging.
In america, you fuck women. In Soviet Russia, women? Fuck you!
*Google image search "In Soviet Russia"
In America, you've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
In Soviet Russia, Hentai has seen enough of you. And then you get tentacle-raped by the internet.
I forget where I was going, so here's some Vodka.
In Soviet Equestria, cutie marks get ponies on their flanks.
in soviet russia, you find bounty hunter
In Soviet Russia,yellow submarine lives in you.
In Soviet Russia, fruit cut you
In Soviet Russia, you Rickroll Rick Astley.
In Soviet Russia Hell comes to YOU
In Soviet Russia, bomb detonates you
In Soviet Russia, Pinkie Pie writes disturbing cannibalistic fan fictions about you!
In Soviet Russia, useless threads write faggoty OPs.
In Soviet Russia,ice creams licks you!
In Soviet Russia, Vietcongs napalm American suburbs.
In Soviet Russia, penis fapps you
In Soviet Russia, this joke still isn't funny.
In Soviet Russia, I still downvote Ashbot's brilliant ^THIS!
In Soviet Russia, doubles post you!