Yeah… I did it. But I have a reason!
For a couple of months some users have asked me for comissions after I made that drawing for Ric and Slendy (then Gamzee). For reasons out of my hands, I've been unable to do any drawings recently (except for that Incomplete family photo… and that Zoidberg thing… but that was a week ago).
I've realized I can only do drawings on Saturday! So, with that beign said, I've made some drawings you've been asking for a while.
First of all, here's a comission from WitchBr0!
Draw me Witch-King in Pink suits and clothing. Preferably with a pipe-bomb.
Here it is Br0:
More to come in a couple of minutes…
Oh! And one more thing.
Don't ask me to draw anything for a while! I don't have a tablet or even a good pulse, so I can't draw as fast as Suiseiseki does. I draw with a pencil and some liners in paper, and I take around an hour or two for each one of these. Sorry for the high hopes, if you had any…