They keep coming, they keep coming,
They won't go away, they just keep coming, one after the last,
They won't stop, they will never stop, until you are on the floor dying,
They figured out that you knew how to travel to the past,
They know you are going to try something to escape and expose them,
But you are smarter, you play it cool likes all that you see never happens,
But they continue to come, they know all your tricks to avoid em,
The things you know and see only deepens,
Try to run, try to hide, hehe,
They will come in white coats and take you away ha haaa,
They will start extracting the information while you are tied ho ho hee hee ha haaa,
To the point that your mind is nothing more but a emptied casket that they will throw away,
You found out something that they do not want you to find out,
This is nothing but a game and they are not real non of this is, you are whats left of being real,
You will start fighting back and start making things real instead of doubt,
By fusing with it all because you can, because you must,
You can start your own world, but you must destroy what is corrupted,
You must purge the unclean and the unwanted,
After they take you into the facility,
You get put into the well protected room willingly,
You start to think and concentrate,
You notice you can set things arise in the flames you are able to fabricate,
You are able to break free,
Running past the men in white with glee,
Now you have finally escaped,
Time to party like a primate,
But wait the phone in your pocket you never knew you had rings,
Men over the phone said that they know where you are, and it all starts over with a ding….