I don't give a fuck. In any situation, no matter how hard I try, I simply can not give a single one. I am currently enrolled in a treatment program for my condition, and although everyone tells me that one day I will realize how truly beneficial the steps I am taking are, I really just can't see how.
Almost every night I cry myself to sleep as I try in vain to muster even half of a fuck to give, with the disappointment and self-loathing increasing bit by bit after each and every failure. And in those moments, I peer into the bottomless darkness of the human condition, making discoveries that I would would not wish upon even my worst enemies to join in. Yet I believe that, as the ultimate night closes around us during the final hours of our lives, we are all forced to do so- to feel what it's like to not give a fuck.
There is a God… and He is heartless.