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Name that meme challenge - "Periodic Table of Memes"

Last posted May 29, 2013 at 04:51AM EDT. Added May 27, 2013 at 11:09AM EDT
8 posts from 4 users

About a year and a half back, I made a "Periodic Table of Memes". Today, I was searching through the database and noticed I wasn't the only one. The other person who made one attached a challenge to his(?) to try and name all the memes in the table, which I hadn't done, but had considered to be a possibility. Anyway, if anyone wants to give it a shot, here are the images (clicking should open the image in a new tab for easier viewing).

pzykosiz's PToM:

Brucker's PToM:

I suggest if you want to post your answers, use a list form like:
H: Happy Cat
He: Herp Derp
Li: Like a Boss

The prize is…nothing, but you will have an enormous e-penis.

@Serious Business:
Back in the '90s, I used to always see these "Periodic Table of X" posters, and they usually went with items that matched the atomic symbols. Pzykosiz and I both went for that strategy independently, so it's certainly not unreasonable. How would you have approached it? Like this

…or did you have some other idea?

Ha! Ha! Guy

Last edited May 27, 2013 at 12:18PM EDT

Pzykosiz’s took me long enough, someone else can have a go at Brucker's.

I'll throw my answer below a spoiler so everyone else can have his own go at it. I can say no cheating, but we know people will do that. Here's one tip though, the letters commonly have something to do with the meme. I didn't know 3 answers, which I placed in bold. So I'm pretty proud of my E-penis.

H = Dramatic Chipmunk
He = High Expectations Asian Father
Li = MLP:FiM
Be = Blue Screen of Death
B = Business Cat
C = Nope! Chuck Testa
N = Numa Numa Guy
O = I'm going with Om Nom Nom here, it's hard to tell
F = Forever Alone
Ne = Net Noob / Lonely Computer Guy
Na = Nyan Cat
Mg = Musically Oblivious 8th Grader
Al = All Your Base are Belong to us
Si = Pokemon Lost Silver
P = Philosoraptor
S = This is Sparta!
Cl = I'm going for Chatroulette, but it's hard to tell
Ar = Hipster Ariel
K = Keyboard Cat
Ca = Challenge Accepted
Sc = Scumbag Steve
Ti = Adventure Time
V = Vuvuzelas
Cr = Leave Britney Alone!
Mn = Missingno
Fe = Move Your Feet
Co = Millhouse Combo (based on the Co, Combo is most likely correct here)
Ni = It's over 9000!
Cu = Chuck Norris
Zn = Zuckerberg Note Pass
Ga = You Just Lost The Game
Ge = Goatse
As = Asdfmovie
Se = Second Life
Br = Bear Grills (Better Drink My Own Piss)
Kr = Karate Kyle
Rb = Double Rainbow
Sr = Stare Dad
Y = Xzibit Yo Dawg
Zr = Orz
Nb = Nigga Stole My Bike
Mo = The Most Interesting Man in the World
Tc = Get to the Choppa!
Ru = Rule 34
Rh = Rich Raven
Pd = Pedobear
Ag = Agony in Pink
Cd = CADbortion
In = Inigo Montoya
Sn = Sneezing Baby Panda
Sb = Shitting Bricks
Te = Tennantface
I = I'm gonna do an Internet!
Xe = Xkcd
Cs = CSI 4 Pane
Ba = Badger Badger Badger
La = Shoop Da Whoop (I'm A' Firin' Mah Lazer!)
Ta = Dat Ass
W = Hentai Woody
Os = Old Spice
Ir = Invisible X
Pt = ??? Profit
Au = Alternate Universe
Tl = Trollface
Pb = Peanut Butter Jelly Time
Bi = Bed Instruder / Antoine Dodson
Po = Portals or Now You're Thinking With Portals
At = 9/11 Attack (doubting)
Rn = Stawp it, Rahn!
Fr = Futurama Fry
Ra = RayWilliamJohnson
Ac = Character Alignment
Rf = Roflcopter
Db = Dinkleberg
Sg = Swaggering Alice
Bh = Banhammer
Hs = Hamster Dance
Mt = Mother of God
Dg = Disaster Girl
Rg = Rage Guy
Rr = Rickroll
Jd = Joseph Ducreux / Archaic Rap
Mm = Milhouse is NOT a Meme (sorry Brucker)
Ck = The Weighted Companion Cube
Pc = Pool's Closed
Nm = The Narwhal Bacons at Midnight
Tg = Tron Guy
Ce = Cereal Guy
Pr = Professor Oak
Nd = Idiot Nerd Girl
Pm = Who's That Pokemon?
Sm = The Flying Spaghetti Monster
Eu = Fuck Yea
Gd = Good Guy Greg
Tb = Teabonics
Dy = Boom Goes The Dynamite
Ho = Hypnotoad
Er = X, X Everywhere
Tm = Teenage Mutant Ninja Noses
Yb = You Spoony Bard
Lu = Lucky Lucky
Th = Threadjacking
Pa = Push it Somewhere Else Patrick
U = Uncyclopedia
Ne = Never Say No to Panda
Pu = Punching Trees Gives me Wood
Am = Anonymous
Cm = Catch That Man
Bk = Successful Black Man
Cf = Courage Wolf
Es = Awesome Face / Epic Smiley
Fm = Fucking Magnets, How Do They Work?
Md = So I Herd U Like Mudkips
No = Y U NO
Lr = Leeroy Jenkins!

Last edited May 27, 2013 at 02:12PM EDT

Impressive! I think I got stumped on 15 of his, although Hf has a pretty poor quality picture, so I personally can't even tell what I'm supposed to see there. Hg is a pretty obscure one that never really caught on in a big way, but I remembered it because I thought it was awesome and always wished it had been more successful. The meme at Re is of course more memorable if you actually played that game, which I did.

I think you're wrong on Ir and Zr, although I admit I don't know what Zr is myself. While your solution for Eu is okay, based on the letters, I think he meant the other one and I got a different answer for Ck, but I think either fits.

I got a PM from pzykosiz with the answers for his, and you were right about Zr. We were both wrong on Cl and the rest were as I already commented, so good job. Oh, yeah, and while I didn't feel sure enough to guess, if I had been forced to guess on Hf, I would have been right.


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