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The Animu Title Game

Last posted Jul 21, 2013 at 03:36AM EDT. Added Jul 15, 2013 at 05:41PM EDT
50 posts from 19 users

Soooo this is a forum game that I cooked up and tried out on another forum and it seemed to catch on there so why the hell not?

The purpose of this game is coming up with hypothetical anime titles. The longer and more awkward to say the name, the better.

You may change a word, add a word, or delete a word. You may also come up with a new title from scratch if the old one is getting too ridiculous. You may also fish out old titles that have been abandoned. You may NOT use any title from any actual anime, past, present, or future.

Changes to a previous title must be marked in bold.

I'll start.

Nitty-Gritty Safari Samurai Makoto

Last edited Jul 15, 2013 at 05:42PM EDT

Natsuru Springfield wrote:

Giggity-Gritty Safari… with Communist Samurai Niggers

Giggity-Gritty Undead Safari… with Communist Samurai Niggers

Super Itty Bitty Giggity Gritty Undead Safari…with Communist Samurai Niggers IV
DLC Pack Promo: Nazi Shaolin Redneck Monks

Super Itty Bitty Giggity Gritty Undead Safari…with Communist Samurai Niggers IV: Ultimatum

Last edited Jul 15, 2013 at 07:38PM EDT

Ultra Itty Bitty Giggity Gritty Undead Safari..with Communist Samurai Niggers XIII: The Stolen Bike, episode 2

Last edited Jul 15, 2013 at 07:41PM EDT

Not at all.
Ultra Itty Bitty Giggity Gritty Undead Safari..with Communist Samurai Niggers MLXVII: Infinity Warrirs of Death combating Higher Gods of the Devil

Ultra Itty Bitty Giggity Gritty Undead Safari..with Communist Samurai MLXVII: Infinity Warrirs of Death combating Higher Gods of the Devil Re:VOLUTION 2: Kami-sama Ni Return to Greater Lost Justice Empyritich Final Shodown Mk. III

The One Know as the Mega Ultra Giggity Undead Safari Smaurai, Enemy of Dastardly Communist Nazi Ninjas from the Underworld on Jupiter in: A Tale of Thousand Possessed Schoolgirls of the 1000 Year War of Eternal Memory Only Remembered By the Chosen Few for Everlasting Justice of Love and Cherry Blossoms Controlled By Genetically Modified Mecha Controller Hamsters (G.M.M.C.H): Second Season

Whitebread Cracker Sun of the Samurai Nigga Southwestern Fist: Inheritance of the Heavenly Bodies 2: The Wrath of the White Whales and the King Crimson

Eh, We just bold the entire thing. That's the way we do it here. Sorry to disappoint you.

Samurai Hokage Dragon Ganjis v.s. Faronian Red Drag Queen Zoltra

Super MAHVEL BAYBEE Samurai Nigga Hokage Dragon Nigganjis VS CommuNazi Faronian Nigga Dragon Queen Zoltraga Capcom III

Super Aryan BAYBEES Samurai Nigga Hokage Dragon Nigganjis VS CommuNazi Faronian Niggayain Dragon Queen Zoltraga Crapcom MLXI: Crusin' on Infinite Earths

Last edited Jul 16, 2013 at 10:54PM EDT

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