Best to do this to avoid the spam influx we had last time when people got this idea (although, with still less than 5 threads after 5 days, you all get my compliments for not overdoing it).
In here, you're all just as important to answer questions, and you can ask everyone that burning question you have on your mind. I'll just throw some standard questions below here, and followed by that will post a list of all the things people asked in both the recent AMAs and the mod AMAs from the past. Not everything and some will be edited as this is an all-users AMA, but I'll make certain to get most of it. I'll try to update the thread like once a day/week if enough new questions appeared, so people can come back later to answer a new batch to keep the thread rolling.
Of course you don't have to answer what you don't wish to, answer as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. Questions will be in sections, like personal, standard or silly questions, etc. Details are appreciated, but short answers will do just fine. Certain things like the opening introduction questions or the KYM stuff can also just be done as a short introduction paragraph to cover a lot of them at once.
Onwards to knowing more about you.
Who are you?
How old are you?
Are you a boy or a girl?
Where are you from?
What are you studying or are you planning to study?
Where do you work?
Are you currently in a relationship?
How are you doing right now?
Anything interesting happened lately?
Planning to do anything interesting soon?
What are your hobbies?
How long have you been doing said hobbies?
Any old hobbies you no longer do?
How do we become as awesome as you?
What type of sweet treats do you like?
What do you put on your sandwiches?
Do you even lift?
PC or Console?
Cats or Dogs?
Will you be able to answer every single question thrown at you?
When did you join KYM?
What is you main focus of activity on KYM?
How did you get the idea to use your current nick?
Do you enjoy your time on KYM?
How did you discover the site?
What got you to make an account?
What got you to start interacting with this community?
What is your opinion on the articles?
What is your opinion on the forums?
What is your opinion on the userbase?
What is your opinion on the staff and moderation on the site?
Who is best and who is worst user?
Who is best and who is worst mod?
What advice would you give to new members?
Why don’t you love us anymore?
What fandoms are you part of?
Who's your favorite anime character?
Who's your favorite western animation character?
Who's your favorite vidya gaem character?
Who's best pone?
Who's best hamsteak?
Who's best tf2 class?
Who's your waifu?
Who's your husbando?
What's your favorite anime opening/credits?
What anime, show or webcomic do you recommend?
Pico, Chico or Coco?
What's the best meme?
What are certain things?
Is this what you're expecting?
What is life?
What is love?
What is existence?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
What is the Ultimate Answer of Life, the Universe, and Everything?
What is the color of night?
Do you liek mudkips?
Can you distinguish butter between I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! ?
What’s the secret of the pokemon universe?
Why won't you die!?
What does the scouter say about his power level?!
Do you believe in magic?
In a young girls heart?
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
Which is worse: Five dead babies in one trash bag or one dead baby in five trash bags?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
Imperial or stormcloak?
Can we haz ur immortal soul as gift?
How many licks does it take to get the center of your tootsie roll pop?
How do you feel about boingy bits?
Are you on fire?
Who's the final boss of the internet?
Is this real life?
Is shibe best doge?
What do all true warriors strive for?
Why don’t you come back to bed, honey?
Do you accept Shrek as your one and true lord and savior?
Zombie Apocalypse! What now?
Are mods asleep?
How quickly do you think the AMAs would go without this thread?
Did you check your privelege?