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Tasteless Humor

Last posted Dec 27, 2013 at 09:50PM EST. Added Dec 15, 2013 at 03:54PM EST
49 posts from 29 users

A brunette, a red head, and a blonde were having a very interesting conversation and it got around to their daughters. The brunette said, "I went in my daughter's room the other day and found a pack of cigarettes, I didn't even know she smoked!"

The red head said, "I went in my daughter's room and found a half-empty bottle of vodka! I didn't even know she drank!"

Then the blonde burst out and said, "I went in my daughter's room and found a pack of condoms, half-empty, I didn't even know she had a penis!"

Daughter: Pa, can I borrow tha car?
Pa: Sure can, but you know what you have to do.
Daughter: ok
Daughter: Pa, your dick tastes like shit.
Pa: oh, that's right! Your brother already borrowed the car.

The wild Dane Cook, upon hearing the alluring sound of other tasteless humor, initiates his own ritualistic dance of verbal diarrhea and spastic flailing in an attempt to impress and mate with the source.

Viuff, The Ancient Waifumancer wrote:

I am a

Well, still have to stay on topic. So here's more humor:
The class assignment in composition was to write about something unusual that happened during the past week. Little Irving got up to read his. "Papa fell in the well last week – " he began. "Good heavens," shrieked Mrs. Kroop, the teacher. "Is he all right now?" "He must be," said little Irving. "He stopped yelling for help yesterday."

Last edited Dec 15, 2013 at 06:26PM EST

So there's this Scottish man sitting in bar in Glascow, trying to enjoy his beer. However, everyone seems to be ignoring him, and he's stuck in the corner of the bar all alone.

After two pints, he gets up and shouts at the people, "Look out the window there! Do ya see that brick wall? I built that with me bare hands! But do they call me 'Gregory the Wall Builder'? No!" And then he sits back and continues drinking while everyone continues to ignore him.

An hour passes, and after a few more pints, the Scottish man is still angry. He gets up again and shouts, "Look out the window there! Do ya see that fence? I built that with me bare hands! But do they call me 'Gregory the Fence Builder'? No!" And then he sits down once again.

Another hour passes and he now has at least ten pints in him. Everyone is still ignoring him and at this point he is furious. He throws his beer at the ground, stands up on his stool, and shouts, "…but ya fuck one goat!"

inb4 goatfag deustodo!

Three germans and a russian enter a bar
The russian hits the third german with a glass bottle
The first german said to the second one
"Wow, i did nazi that coming."

blue wrote:

inb4 goatfag deustodo!

Three germans and a russian enter a bar
The russian hits the third german with a glass bottle
The first german said to the second one
"Wow, i did nazi that coming."

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Time to use all the jokes that i stole from all these Tv Shows.

What's the difference between a woman with PMS and a terrorist?
You can negotiate with a terrorist.

What do you call the V**gina?
I call it a taxi, so I can roll over and get some sleep.

Thanks, Thanks, crowd, now, if you're going to throw me some tomatoes or human f**ces, please make the row.

Did you know that there are still some countries that still have slavery? One of those countries is Saudi Arabia. They have a special name for their slaves though. They're called women.

Sidney Speck wrote:

Time to use all the jokes that i stole from all these Tv Shows.

What's the difference between a woman with PMS and a terrorist?
You can negotiate with a terrorist.

What do you call the V**gina?
I call it a taxi, so I can roll over and get some sleep.

Thanks, Thanks, crowd, now, if you're going to throw me some tomatoes or human f**ces, please make the row.

What the f**ck?

Why did Sally fall off the swings?
Because she has no arms.
Knock knock
Who's there?
Not Sally.

Last edited Dec 19, 2013 at 08:21PM EST

An elementary school teacher, a lawyer, a Catholic priest and three young boys are on a plane with only three parachutes. Engines explode, plane starts going down.

The teacher says, 'Save the children!'
The lawyer yells, 'F*CK THE CHILDREN!'
The Catholic priest looks around and whispers, 'Is there time?'

Last edited Dec 20, 2013 at 01:47AM EST

Man 1:Why did the chicken cross the road?
Man 2: I don't know, why?
Man 1: to go visit a dick sucking, pillow bitting faggot.

Man 1: knock knock!
Man 2: who's there?
Man 1: the chicken….


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