Alright, guys, given the fact that I like to kid myself into thinking I'm a quality cartoonist, I'm trying to get a webcomic started up. I've got two ideas I'm interested in, but I really only have time for one. As such, I'd like you all to vote on which one you think is more interesting. I'm not guaranteeing the one you all vote on will be the one I end up doing, but it will be factored into the final decision.
1. Interactivity. For those of you who have seen Hetalia, keep that in mind, it'll come in handy. Basically, "Interactivity" would be an in-depth telling of the history of video games, but with a twist: the video game companies would be anthropomorphized into humans. All events in video game history would be told in the form of interactions between the companies, and I'd try to make it funny while still being informative.
2. Point of View. This is a slightly simpler concept. The plan with this one would be to play video games in my spare time, and right down what happens in-game, and my reactions. Then, I would retell the game's plot in comic form, but insert my own reactions into the main character. In other words, any "wat" moments or other silliness I might have would be told in the perspective of the main character.
Now for voting time: