But you weren’t alcoholic right, it’s just the diet? In that case it shouldn’t be that hard to lay off the alcohol IF you have supportive friends.
Mainly just the diet, but the alcoholic lifestyle is a major bad-diet-enabler. Getting drunk makes you do shit like buy 4 upsized burgers at McDonalds right before bed. Plus sweet sugary Bourbons aren't exactly slimming either.
My friends weren't supportive and always dragged me into this lifestyle. That's where the biggest challenge may lie
I wish you luck, even though you barely know me.
It's okay if you barely know me. Your support and advice is appreciated. I can't really eat late though. The only time I can cook is right after work. I have 2 hours of free time after work and that's all I get. After that I gotta gym. After gym, my friends will bother me and make me go places for the rest of the night.
Failure to cook after work means starving at gym and eating at the Dominos next door.
Also, never buy potato chips, EVER.
Ain't that the truth. I eat one, I eat the whole bag. I'm just as bad with hummus and rice crackers
@Gary the stormtrooper
This. This is absolutely truth.
I hope you’re really short
Yea….I'm the worlds tallest midget. Only 164cm. 65kg is blubbery for me.
I blame America
ikr? Every time I go to Cali, the whole family gains weight. America's fat culture shows when you compare it to NZ culture. Over there you get bombarded with Carls Jr, Wendies, Taco Bell, pies, steaks, A&W, ice cream in buckets. Even US McDonalds serves burgers twice the size and fat content compared to the NZ McDonalds. The whole family encourages me to fatten up and being skinny is bad. I imagine I'd be twice my size if I still lived there
It is so much easier to go grab a burger/taco bell burrito than it is to sit down and cook or make a sandwich because you then have to spend time doing dishes. I fuken hate fast food.
I fell victim to that as well, and that's one of the reasons I made no progress at the gym. But I found workarounds to get past the dreaded chores
My trick is to minimize how much cookware I use. Currently to make a vegetarian dish I just need one pot, one plate, and one fork. I can wash all that in a few seconds. That's easy to do daily. No procrastination.
Try cooking different things in the same pot. You can do this with pasta and mix veg. Reuse your pan oil. Use a plate as a cutting board and eat on the plate later. Learn how to flip burgers with a knife and fork and use those same utensils to eat later. You can eliminate tons of dishes to wash this way. And always rinse plates when you are done so they're easier to wash later.
How can u feel unhealthy m8?
When I jump on the kids playground jungle gym and instantly drop off. I used to climb those easily last year!
I am addicted to soda which is probably just as bad.
Soda is just as bad. All that sugar is going to your ass, man. Will fuck your kidneys up too. I quit soda long before I quit alcohol because that shit was doing more damage to me
Alcohol is healthy in moderation
That's only if you drink one glass of red wine once a week. (And fuck that noise, I don't really like red wine that much.) A 6 pack of RTD's is not healthy under any circumstance no matter how you moderate it
1. I don't believe need to anyone's council if I am technically obese or not. Fact of the matter is that I have this stomach bulge constantly reminding me that it exists, making my daily motion more inconvenient and difficult and it's getting worse. If I am unhappy with my current state of life, I should act whether I technically count as fat or not. I'm not going to wait until I'm already over the cliff before I decide I shouldn't walk towards the cliff
2. I suppose technically an alcoholic is someone that's addicted to the stuff. Which I'm not. I don't crave it. But from my perspective; if you binge on the stuff regularly each week and sink hundreds of dollars into it because you don't know how to have fun with people any other way, then it doesn't matter how addicted you are: You are an alcoholic.
3. Well done. As someone who's been a flagrant binge drinker for years and has vomited in many public arena's throughout my life, I'm glad to see people staying away from it and all other vibes entirely. I should have. Tea is okay though.
4. Maybe