Just hope these just don't add on every year. Suddenly Spirit Month, and a half.
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KYM Spirit Week 3!
Last posted
Jun 29, 2015 at 01:07AM EDT.
Jun 01, 2015 at 09:14AM EDT
563 posts
78 users
Ann Hiro wrote:
Just hope these just don't add on every year. Suddenly Spirit Month, and a half.
Spirit forever so hard the fucking Avatar is trying to get into our realm.
So what's the deal with this? Are we still starting it on Monday?
Ah yes So Spirit Weeks will start Monday. I should have a ready list of what day is what by tomorrow.
I'm gonna go with Traditional Spirit week first, and then move onto the newer stuff the second week.
Shit I actually have really limited access to computers lately. I hope by tomorrow at least I'll have more stable access. If I miss Spirit Week why even live you know?
Starting Monday. Cool.
X For Real Justice Day > SJW Day
Since Ann is being slow I'm hereby (temporarily) taking over as the host. How will I do that? For today I'll pick the theme. I will give Ann until 6 PM EST tomorrow to get the list done. If it's not done, I'll pick tuesday and will continue like that. Then by wednesday I'll just fill up the entire week. And if he somehow still manages to fail as the organisation by saturday, I'll add next week as well.
If before any of those days Ann posts a list, we'll use his list and I step down by default.
The thread is now Sticked and Spirit Week is a GO!
I’m gonna go with Traditional Spirit week first, and then move onto the newer stuff the second week.
I will respect this idea and thus for Monday, let's start of with one of the classics:
Monday: Rule 63 Day!
That's right, for tomorrow you are the opposite gender. This can be just your avatar, but also your nick if you're feeling up to it. Suprise us with your ideas.
Due to my timezone: RandomWoman joining in.
nice nice
So for today I’m the Irish Phantom Queen of Battle, Strife and Sovereignty.
let's fuck
Well shit lass, i guess now i have to be a miss.
Cecaelia Girlie
Words cannot express how discontent I am with my name and avatar.
Going old school today. I would do boy Lana but me and Hero tried and couldn't find it at all. Screencapping my profile for each day for posterity and memeories and I suggest you do the same if you'd like so maybe when people look back at this thread they'll see what people did with examples and stuff. It'll be cool trust me.
Sure, I'm in. With a female Highlander avatar, to boot!
I'm NintenDiane. I absolutely love Nintendo and all things Goth.
Hello! It is I! WomansterRulz! (Z instead of ES because I'm cool and women rule).
Also, I'm gay lesbian.
Rule 63 Day. Cool.
Well, i always felt Samekichi is a unisex name, but the avatar needs a change. So, i did a small doodle here.
Bring, it on!!!
Why didn't I know about this earlier!? I'll join too!
I'm Eris, btw.
Spirit Week here we go!
Spirit Coyote
Spirit week ahoy!
Dragon Lord
guess i'll give it a try, don't really see whats so Special about this but whatever
This'll be pretty fun considering a few people have already mistaken me for a girl in the past. To make things even more confusing I'll grab a rule 63 version of Ruby for my avatar but make a female user name. That should really (not) fuck with people.
As a side note, there's some seriously cringy rule 63 RWBY fan art out there.
Ohayou fellow anime grils
Ray Donovan
Eh, sure.
Why not?
Precious Roy
This is the best i can do i swear
For some reason I believe I'm doing this wrong.
I picked Vin Diesel as my av because I normally use avatars with girls (and he starred on a movie named XXX)
Hi, I'm Shelly.
>mfw Sailor Jupiter is just Kakyoin as a girl
Luckily there's a canon rule 63 starscream
Sorry sorry people, with my friends kidnapping me for 2 days, and Ryu in Smash I've hadn't had time to get to the list.
Spirit Week First Week:
Monday: Rule 63 Day
Tuesday: Be a Meme
Wednesday: Waifu Wednesday (Or whatever fictional character you love)
Thursday: Become your OC Donut Steal (If you don't have an OC quickly guys make one~ the more terrible the better.)
Friday: Superhero Day Become your favorite super hero.
Saturday: The Opposite of your Avatar
Sunday: Impersonate Another User
Sorry for the late start guys, but LETS GET IT ON!
Couldn't find any Rule 63 of Rover. I guess Blanca's good enough??
We R63 now.
Good to see you've updated us. Hope you don't mind my intrusion, but people looked out for this stuff so I would've hated to see half a day wasted.
Updated the OP post with your list.
Rule 63 ftw
wat tambor
Salva dut's not fictonal,so i cant find any r63 art of him, so i had to do a shitty mspaint edit.
Sir Soundwave
Late but in.
Noot noot
Tchefuncta already sounds like a girls name to me so I guess Tchefunctina will have to do. Unless someone knows of a river that's also a girls name.
Natsuru Springfield
ModeratorSr. Forum Moderator & Karma Tycoon & Karma Philanthropist & Community Artist & Shrine Maiden
Here We Go.
>Superhero day
So just a normal day for me.
I've done it! I have transformed once again! I am now… a female? Oh, well.
Anyway, since cells don't really have genders, I suppose I'll just leave my name the way it is.
This is honestly really fun! If acting like a girl is this fun…
Maybe I could try crossdressing?
Yeeeeaaah no…
Can't really find a rule 63 version of Lee. I did Clementine last year, but it just didn't feel right. I suppose I may skip the first day.
Spider-Byte wrote:
>Superhero day
So just a normal day for me.
Superhero =/= Superzero