I'm a total lightweight, a single mega sized margarita is as much as I can handle right now and it manages gives me a mild hangover. As such I don't drink that often, it's only on special occasions for me. Like last night my father wanted to go out to his favorite Mexican restaurant with me to just have a little family time after a stressful work week, and since he was driving (and he stopped drinking long ago, like before I was even born) I went ahead and decided to get me the largest sized margarita at the restaurant. Drank it, got about as "high" as I do when I'm on painkillers (should note that I only take those when needed, I'm not addicted to those things), and was pretty chatty the whole way back home.
Slept in longer than I meant to because my head was hurting, but I took some migraine meds and now I'm feeling fine.