I've never played D&D before but I'd like to play it or some other tabletop game at least once. What I'd really like to do is create a tabletop session over the internet with fellow KYM members, but I have no idea if that's feasible or not. First off, I have no webcam, tabletop games, or tabletop simulator programs. I suppose the IRC could work, but then how can we confirm everyone reports their rolls honestly? And how would we make such a session possible, logistically? Like, would it be a case of chess by mail where everyone checks in every so often and takes their turn when it is theirs, like a forum? Or would we have to schedule a time that would work for all players, like Skype?
If you are at all interested in this idea, just post something in this thread indicating that you are interested and if you have any experience and/or own any tabletop games, and list them respectively. In return, I'll contact you if I ever figure something out. Also, if you have any answers to my questions or any advice or comments; if you are just being nice and aren't interested (please don't be shy, I appreciate any help at all!) then indicate you aren't interested-- otherwise, just follow the first set of instructions in this paragraph as well.
Thanks for reading this long post, and sorry it was written awkwardly. (Obviously, I'm hoping someone else steps up as dungeonmaster.) Here's hoping we can make this work and have some fun!