Not related to "The Fault in Our Stars," just tried to be semi-clever with my naming of the thread.
Basically all this thread is this: state a fandom you are a part of, and then say a thing or things some people in the fandom have said or done that make you go "stop it, you're giving the rest of us a bad name."
So one of the game's Kickstarter backers donated enough money to make a monster for the game. Said guy opted to just base the monster off of his fursona OC, which, eh, is to be expected from something that allows backers to create characters and have them put in (Skullgirls had this happen to, ever noticed Zone-tan in the background of one or two stages? Or Woolie and Matt themselves in another?). The problem though? Said guy got harassed by members of the Undertale fandom, which got bad enough that Toby Fox, the game's creator, had to basically say on his Twitter "guys, just stop." For a game that encourages players to make friends and show mercy, some Undertale fans got very needlessly hostile towards a guy who donated a substantial amount of money to see the game made all because the guy decided to use his OC for his monster (and said monster is an optional encounter anyway).
-Steven Universe
Yeah I'll be frank, the SU fandom has a rather vocal minority of radical social justice types inhabiting it. Said people have even attempting to do things like start shit with the My Little Pony fandom because they're trying to keep "perverted men" out of the SU fandom (too fucking late, SU had porn back when the pilot was leaked), or tried to keep "cishet white men" out of the fandom in general. This vocal minority of people who only seem to like SU SOLELY because they view as "so progressive!" cause outsiders to accuse the show of being "Tumblr bait" and then never give it a shot, all because some people are actively trying to segregate the fandom while, ironically, trying to seem "progressive."
-Super Best Friends Play
I love the Best Friends LP group, but some fans are really annoying elitists who will berate other people for "daring" to also like other LPers. You've also got a really annoying sect of the fandom who solely like Matt and Pat and act like Woolie and Liam are the worst things to ever happen.