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The Fault in Our Fandoms

Last posted Oct 21, 2015 at 07:20PM EDT. Added Oct 20, 2015 at 12:21AM EDT
8 posts from 7 users

Not related to "The Fault in Our Stars," just tried to be semi-clever with my naming of the thread.

Basically all this thread is this: state a fandom you are a part of, and then say a thing or things some people in the fandom have said or done that make you go "stop it, you're giving the rest of us a bad name."

So one of the game's Kickstarter backers donated enough money to make a monster for the game. Said guy opted to just base the monster off of his fursona OC, which, eh, is to be expected from something that allows backers to create characters and have them put in (Skullgirls had this happen to, ever noticed Zone-tan in the background of one or two stages? Or Woolie and Matt themselves in another?). The problem though? Said guy got harassed by members of the Undertale fandom, which got bad enough that Toby Fox, the game's creator, had to basically say on his Twitter "guys, just stop." For a game that encourages players to make friends and show mercy, some Undertale fans got very needlessly hostile towards a guy who donated a substantial amount of money to see the game made all because the guy decided to use his OC for his monster (and said monster is an optional encounter anyway).

-Steven Universe
Yeah I'll be frank, the SU fandom has a rather vocal minority of radical social justice types inhabiting it. Said people have even attempting to do things like start shit with the My Little Pony fandom because they're trying to keep "perverted men" out of the SU fandom (too fucking late, SU had porn back when the pilot was leaked), or tried to keep "cishet white men" out of the fandom in general. This vocal minority of people who only seem to like SU SOLELY because they view as "so progressive!" cause outsiders to accuse the show of being "Tumblr bait" and then never give it a shot, all because some people are actively trying to segregate the fandom while, ironically, trying to seem "progressive."

-Super Best Friends Play
I love the Best Friends LP group, but some fans are really annoying elitists who will berate other people for "daring" to also like other LPers. You've also got a really annoying sect of the fandom who solely like Matt and Pat and act like Woolie and Liam are the worst things to ever happen.

Let's get this over with.

There was a time when I defended bronies much more fervently, but every time I did so, they came up with a new way to make themselves look like perverts. After a while, I recognized that the fandom absolutely refused to condemn any kind of bad behavior. The change came when the voice actor who did the role of Button Stitch went into a stream with a pony porn artist and told a bunch of rape jokes. At the time, I was part of a pony forum and was the only person who thought it was kind of fucked up. The other users gave I me so much shit that it finally dawned on me to start backing away from the fandom. I still think bronies can come up with some incredible fan works and I enjoy the show (though I've been taking a break for the last few months), but I avoid getting too deeply involved with the fandom since the sleazy part of it is way too large to just be a handful of bad apples.

Last edited Oct 20, 2015 at 02:12AM EDT

Gravity Falls:
Nah, this fandom's a cinnamon roll. Sure you have the occasional twincest art and r34 Bill Cipher because the flying Dorito is attractive to some people for some reason, but it's not all too prevalent and somehow the fandom manages to have a blast without attracting too much negative attention when an episode comes out.

Steven Universe:
Same as OP. The show has become the hub for 'progressive' individuals, and I've seen 'progressives' turning against each other and unfollowing because they don't see the characters eye-to-eye.

Same with Double Zombie. I've seen the dumbest individuals don a pony av and make the fandom look bad too many times, just as much as I've been wowed by the actually talented people of the fandom, which is a lot mind you. Bronies are probably both the best and worst types of fans I've seen.

Last edited Oct 20, 2015 at 07:28PM EDT

I don't know if I would consider myself a part of the fandom, but whatever, I still enjoy the show. Honestly I don't have too much bad to say about it. For the most part it's a pretty unobtrusive and friendly community from what I've seen. The only complaint I have about it is some of the shitty OCs (nowhere near as bad as Sonic fandom but still pretty cringy). I recently went to a RWBY fan panel at an anime convention and everyone was very friendly and fun, with the exception of one guy who kept pitching his Mary Sue OCs (eg. "What would you do if there was a character who was faster than Ruby!").

Of course it isn't always bad. Sometimes you get an interesting OC like this one:

But most of the time it's shitty like this one:

Farm Zombie wrote:

Let's get this over with.

There was a time when I defended bronies much more fervently, but every time I did so, they came up with a new way to make themselves look like perverts. After a while, I recognized that the fandom absolutely refused to condemn any kind of bad behavior. The change came when the voice actor who did the role of Button Stitch went into a stream with a pony porn artist and told a bunch of rape jokes. At the time, I was part of a pony forum and was the only person who thought it was kind of fucked up. The other users gave I me so much shit that it finally dawned on me to start backing away from the fandom. I still think bronies can come up with some incredible fan works and I enjoy the show (though I've been taking a break for the last few months), but I avoid getting too deeply involved with the fandom since the sleazy part of it is way too large to just be a handful of bad apples.


I despise Bronies. Not because of the usual reasons: grown adults watching a kids show/it's "un manly"/ignorance/etc

No, I make fun of these fuckers because most of them are the negative stereotype, and I know this because I was in that scene for a while.

And just like Double Zombie, I started to get a bit sick if all of the intense gore, porn, and general sicko stuff going around. One day, on a forum I used to hang out in, I made fun of the latest "Davey-san" gore piece. I pointed out how this guy has a deviant art page filled with images of cartoon characters mutilating themselves or others, filled with horrible things.
… I was them accused of being a "prude", "not getting it", and was basically ridiculed by every brony in the thread.
It was a real eye-opener. I, as it turns out, was the "weird" one. In this bizarro-world, Being a tired old factory worker who enjoyed coming home from work, getting hammered on whiskey, and watching some cartoons was the "odd" thing, while jerking it to the CMC getting strapped to a table and raped was a-okay.

Of course, this was just the straw that broke the pony's camel's back, as having been in the fandom for a while I was already getting sick of all the shit going on in it.

EVERY fansite, save for one or two, has a porn section… For horses….
Horse porn, Child porn, horse child porn, gore, abuse, all the most horrible things to come out of a damaged mind not only exist in this fandom, but are common, are celebrated, are the norm.
The exceptions are the sane ones; the ones who just liked this cutesy little slice-of-life cartoon about talking animals.

So I backed out of the fandom, stopped participating in that thread or any other pony thread on the net, drew a big ole' line in the dirt, and took up a "Guilty until proven innocent" mentality.

In other words, if I see a pony avatar, I'm just going to go ahead and assume You're an autistic little cattle molester that needs to be locked up, unless You prove otherwise.

"After a while, I recognized that the fandom absolutely refused to condemn any kind of bad behavior."
This too. It's amazing how all these internet groups vomit out the word "community", not realizing that a real community needs a commonly accepted and enforced idea of what is and is not okay. If You want people to stop acting like Your scene is the coming of Gozer, then for fuck's sake punish and disavow Your bad elements! Make it known that certain acts are not cool.

… AAhhhh, it's been a while since I had a good rant, I'll just scurry back under My rock now.

I've only recently come into the RWBY fold and I've talked about it once or twice online. Something that surprised me is just how divisive the topic is. For instance, in an anime discussion group, reactions to "What do you guys think of RWBY?" can vary dramatically. There is no consensus that it is mostly good or bad. Responses are roughly equal between awesome, okay, and shit. Even among groups that agree that they like RWBY, there is much disagreement on why. I've heard some RWBY fans claim they only care about the action and others who will defend the writing to the death.

None of this is a bad thing. Everyone has different tastes in media. Though it kind of reminds me of my time in pony discussions, where nobody can agree on anything about the show they love.

Does anyone have any criticisms of the MLP fandom other than "they enjoy art/have kinks that I really don't, and defend each other from accusations of being mentally ill"? Honestly, hearing that sentiment from a community of people that have been so incredibly open with each other about some shit that's very bizarre by "normal" standards is kinda bothering me.


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