It's that time of the year again folks, you all know the drill: no touching yourself for a month and your name will echo through the halls of eternal Lame. Here's a few rules:
-1: post here to sign up. Make sure to sign up early enough, makes my work easier. signups are open 'till september 1st
-2: Post your status once in a while in this forum. anyone who hasn't posted in a week is sent to hiatus hell and will remain there until he posts again. Those that remain in hiatus hell at the end of the month will be disqualified.
-3: You fap, you lose (duh).
-4: You WILL be made fun of, please don't take things too personal when it happens.
-5: Those that don't want to openly post their status on this forum but still want to participate can always still PM their status to me.
-6. Please refrain from changing your username/avatar while you're participating.
-7. Winners will be awarded a badge designed in like 15 minutes so don't expect much of it.
Well, that's it, signups are open now.