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It would be nice living in japan

Last posted Aug 16, 2010 at 10:08PM EDT. Added Aug 13, 2010 at 08:47PM EDT
48 posts from 29 users

I am pretty sure Japan has its share of issues too, like whale killing.

Also conservatives are fanatical suicide bombers.

Last edited Aug 13, 2010 at 08:50PM EDT

BEHOLD, Japanese hitler..

Also I agree with Ogreenworld switzerland is teh best, the peopel there are nice.

Last edited Aug 14, 2010 at 12:17AM EDT

So I'm sitting here and I'm trying to figure out what's so goddamn special about anime. I'm still trying to figure that out. There's got to be a free dose of heroin in every DVD or something. Because you know, I can't walk out of the fucking door without someone talking about Inuyasha, and holy fuck Trigun is just the bee's knees. I'm taking a dump; I'm sitting on the toilet wiping my ass with bible pages (because that's what I use when I run out of toilet paper.) And someone's going to be standing there talking about how big of a boner they get over Tank Police and Neon Jell-O Evangelist or whatever the fuck. So I'm thinking “Wow gee hosifat, this anime stuff has got to be some nifty shit. There had better be some sliced bread out there that can't get work anymore over this shit. The last time people had this much fun they just discovered they could get drunk and beat their kids. So this shit had better be able to cure AIDS and kill nuns it's that fucking great. Old people had better be turning off the I Dream of Jennie reunion to watch this shit it's that fucking great.” So I sit down to watch anime. And it's not that hard because it's on every fucking channel. Six hundred and fifty trillion channels and their all playing anime twenty four hours a day. So I pick a channel and I sit down to watch it; and it's not like I haven't seen anime before you know, but every time I happen to mention that I don't personally like it, someone's head will pop out from under the nearest rock and say “But have you seen it lately? It's not like Sailor Moon anymore!” What the fuck is making everyone go so batshit over anime? And then it occurs to me, it's fucking El Nino. Yeah, that's what it is. Some guy gets caught raping a dead squirrel and someone's going to blame El Nino for it. This is all El Nino's fault because that's where the aliens live with their damn mind rays that are making everyone fucking retarded. Fuck South America! So I fire a bunch of nukes at South America so everyone's heads will suddenly be extracted from their asses again. And I do it anime style too, I narrate it as I'm doing it. So, I'm like "Ohh, did you know that I would send the most powerful force in the universe to destroy you today, but now you know because I'm the great warrior Anonymous, who's spirit was imprisoned by the god of penile dysfunction over a thousand years ago and have been waiting to be awakened this very day by the magical sound of the very last human putting his head up his ass, ohhh." Because that's a wonderful story you know, that's what makes anime so wonderful it's the story. It's the stories that make the anime so wonderful. The stories, that's what it is. You know, only their not stories! "Ohh telling a thousand years of history in thirty seconds in the middle of a movie," when you do that, that's not a fucking story. That's the fucking cincher OK? When you do that in the middle of a mental hospital they're give you a fucking lobotomy. So I launch the nukes at South America, and their like "Anonymous you bastard!" and I'm like, "Yeah fuck you, it had to be done." Which- but shit no I can't do that because it's got to be subtitled. I forgot it's got to be fucking subtitled. Because it's not "real anime" unless it's subtitled so we can hear the inflections in the voices. Yeah, forgot about that. Gotta hear the inflections in voices speaking a language we don't even fucking understand. Yeah, we can't live without that, can we? So I do it subtitled now right and they can't understand a fucking thing I'm saying but they can hear the inflection in my voice and that makes all the fuck of a difference. And except for one guy who goes "Hey if you want to read you should pick up a book." But it's OK, because he got the first nuke on his left nut the heathen round-eyed fuck. He probably used the word Japanimation anyway, which oh fuck you can't do that. You have to stop speaking whatever you speak and pronounce it in perfect Japanese. "It's on-e-may. Say on-e-may damn it. On-e-may!" Don't have to call German animation "zekendrickfilm", you don't have to call Russian animation "meltinicatsia", African animation isn't "iumbengosegoa," but you gotta say "anime" or they'll get pissed off until their man-tits start lactating. So, so the nukes melt the aliens in El Nino, and they scream "Oh what a world, what a world," right? And so now our brains can think again. Everything is cool right? We're cool? I consider the matter closed. Now can we PLEASE find something else to talk about?


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