lulz idk why post
but can i get a critique if you want
The Victims
Cyber bullying is worse than physical bullying. Through research, and inside knowledge of modern Internet culture, we will take a journey through the mind of a serious cyber bully. As well explains some terms of modern Internet culture.
Since the Internet boom around 2000, people have been using email. The number of people having access to the Internet, and having an email makes each, and everyone of them a possible target of cyber bullying. “The statistics are shocking. In the year 2000 a University of New Hampshire study found that one out of every 17, or 6 percent of kids in the United States, had been threatened or harassed online. But in March of 2006, statistics showed that 75 to 80 percent of 12 to 14 year olds had been cyber bullied.”(Meech) These statistics show there is a rise in cyber bullying. The fact sites like Myspace and Facebook don’t help, and in addition to that the people who spend almost everyday on them updating personal information are in greater risk in becoming targets for cyber bullies. The cyber bully would get close to you, and become friends. Now they have access to your photos on your profile.
Now the cyber bully has all the important things he or she needs. Established contact with target, an alternative account with separate email, and the access to your photos. With the established contact, they can slowly gain the targets trust. In this case this would be called a “false friend” a term I call it. Now with the alternate Facebook, or Myspace account, the bully would start slowly talking about the target. Until the victim starts panicking, on average the victims does the first mistake, they tell the bully to stop, unless this isn’t a serious bully it would stop here, but with the serious cyber bullies, this only fuels their fire. This tells them that there target is becoming distressed, and uncomfortable. Keep doing this everyday mistake number two can happen, the victim can get emotionally disturbed, and unstable. Even in the physical sanctity of there own homes. “Perhaps the greatest long-term effect is the loss of the home as a safe-zone.”(Meech) Mistake number two happens; they don’t try to just ignore the bully. An alternative to this is the victim deletes the account and waits a long time. If the cyber bully has a lot of foresight he, or she would have saved every picture the target had. While the victim is thinking he, or she is in a false sense of security, the cyber bully would doctor the photo until it was exploitable. Now mistake number three would now shatter the victim’s hopes of being freed from the torment. Becoming friends with almost or all of her previous friends; this cycle would go on until the victim either reports the abuse, or goes insane. And in serious cases the victim would commit suicide. Now this is where the Internet “trolls” most likely from a site called 4chan come in.