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Feb 16, 2011 at 05:35PM EST.
Sep 22, 2010 at 03:02PM EDT
1374 posts
105 users
Natsuru Springfield
ModeratorSr. Forum Moderator & Karma Tycoon & Karma Philanthropist & Community Artist & Shrine Maiden
Favorite Cartoon Character?
Italian or swedish meatballs?
Colonel Meowkins
Do you prefer chicken, turkey, or something else?
I've never had Turkey, so Chicken.
If you had to destroy a nation, wich would it be?
Easily North Korea.
Worst injury you've ever had?
I once hit my toe on the sharp of edge of a door once.It tooke me an hour to realise it had a massive gash on it.In wasnt that bad health wise but it was the most gruesome injury.
When was the last time you told someone you love them?
Do you still play pokemon?
Hell yes, it takes up a limited amount of my spare time though.
What do you do in your spare time?
Drawing manga style.
What's the best food you ever tasted?
Natsuru Springfield
ModeratorSr. Forum Moderator & Karma Tycoon & Karma Philanthropist & Community Artist & Shrine Maiden
Dark Chocolate Cake (That wasn't a Lie).
Facebook or Myspace?
Neither. I want to torch them both.
Your favourite chan?
What advert (commercial) do you hate the most?
Their faces disturb me.
What's your favourite commercial?
Natsuru Springfield
ModeratorSr. Forum Moderator & Karma Tycoon & Karma Philanthropist & Community Artist & Shrine Maiden
The Main character from Negima teamed up with Reimu and Marisa from Touhou to go on a adventure in Hogwarts and other various Castles and Midevil locations. Thats the only part I remember.
Same Question.
I dreamed that i worked for NASA and i made the newest model of space rockets. Anyways, I asked if a could take it out for a test drive and they said no. So i was all "FUCK YOU NASA" and I made my own space company and stole all their business! The End
Do you believe in christmas?
Yes I believe in presents
Favorite Godzilla monster?
Favorite Team Fortress 2 Hat?
Heavy's sandvich helmet. (If you don't get the reference, here it is)
Favorite song?
what grade were you in when you were taught about sex? for me, 5th grade.
I don't remember. Is this story freaky?
I guess….
Real name?
Favorite injury?
Broken face.
When I burned myself with my straightener, ha
What is something that you collect?
What kind of a question is that.
What's your favourite TV series showing at the moment?
I don't really watch T.V anymore. Too much internets school and swimming.
And as Moargun wasn't really answered, I once tried to collect warhammer, but it got boring.
What's the highest number of rubix cude faces have you completed (mine's 2 :D)
It was a good question :c
I don't have one, currently…
I'm not editing my post…
I'm doin well thanks, but putting off my homework when I should really be doing it : )
And yourself?
OK, i guess.. my birthday's coming up.
Favorite flavor of ice cream?
Neapolitan, 'casue I can't decide : )
Favourite video game soundtrack? (as a whole, not one song)
Persona 4/ KH 358/2 Days
Halo 2.
Favourite movie soundtrack?
The Sting.
Favorite Video Game character?
Not entirely sure, I like many. Although, I think I like movies with action and a little romance.
On the subject of romance if you had to date any memeber of any music band, who would it be?
Can I say no one? >:)
I herd u laike mudkipz braend medkitz?
Legoperson95 wrote:
Can I say no one? >:)
I herd u laike mudkipz braend medkitz?
I think it's fair to say that I CAN AND WILL confirm the allegations that I am interested in Mudkipz.
Mexicans or Australians?
Have you ever herped so hard you derped?
Who hasn't?
Snow or Palm Trees?
Squirtle, charmander, or bulbasaur?
Ashbot wrote:
OakSquirtle, charmander, or bulbasaur?
Charmander- I choose you!
Sarah Palin or Hillary Clinton?
Sarah Palin.
Apple or orange?
Jack Chimney
Cheeto or noodle?
Both in the same bowl.
Most annoying celebri-fag?
Bieber. Favorite pokeymanz?
Are you bilingual?
Most badass video game character?
Last movie you saw?
Hmm….in theater? How to Train Your Dragon.
Most awesome videogame song?