Granted, but you use it to go back a 650,000 years, and you get eaten by dinosaurs. THEN EVERYBODY WALKS THE DINOSAUR
I wish I didn't have to go to school.
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Jun 02, 2011 at 09:34PM EDT.
May 16, 2011 at 11:52AM EDT
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35 users
Granted, but you use it to go back a 650,000 years, and you get eaten by dinosaurs. THEN EVERYBODY WALKS THE DINOSAUR
I wish I didn't have to go to school.
But then you never got your College Degree and forced to work at McDonald's for 40 years.
I wish I had Fantastic hair.
Granted but it smells like severed toes found after 3 years under the couch.
I wish i didn't live in Romania.
Granted, you now live in the Sahara.
I wish for my wish not to be granted.
Ok. But you are so far away from any life form you can't contact anyone
Wish I had super strength.
Granted. You have so much muscle mass you collapse in on yourself.
I wish I could contact lifeforms again- Wait, I can make my own wishes, for I am-
granted but you are so mass you turn into a black hole and collapse into yourself
I wish i was an F-5 tornado!
Alex>_> wrote:
Granted, but so have so many that you can't hold them all.
I wish I had a time machine.
It happens often. i have played these online games of wishes and often situation occurs my wish is backfired and that to in opposite sense.
lolwut? Spammer? I can't tell….
Rodriguez has her wish granted, but ends up crashing the darn thing.
I wish no more spammers would go on KYM.
Granted, but now a swarm of Justin Bieber Beliebers invade KYM. Wait, That's bad for all of us!
I wish Google wasn't so frustrating.
granted by now Google cries to you saying "why didnt you accept me for who i am! i try not to be frustrating! No ones perfect!" and then you feel bad for calling Google frustrating.
I wish i can either win a free Ipad 2 or a Blackberry Playbook nettablet either or would make me happy:)
Okay, but the battery life on each device is just 1 second.
I wish I had a pet snake…
I wish there was a Know Your Meme Convention.
Okay, but it's inside that "Free Candy" van.
I wish I had a tattoo…
Granted but in Russia military own you!
I wish i had a king pinata
It revolts, and kills you.
I wish I could dance like Duane in the 'So Bad it's Good' KYM blog post.
Granted, but your so happy because you can dance, you accidentally dance out into the street and get hit by The Weinermobile.
I wish I didn't have blisters from working so hard yesterday.
granted but instead of blisters they are now bug bites.
I wish i owned my own amusement park.
Granted, but it gets shut Down in two minutes.
I wish my Norse horse named Deloris wouldn't speak in morse.
Granted but now he speaks in Swahilese
I wish i had a teleporter
Granted, but the other teleporter is directly placed 7 feet over the other one, thus creating a never-ending portal, like the use of the portal gun in Portal 2, which eventually breaks your immune system causing you to have AIDS.
I wish there would be world peace.
Granted. But now everyone's hippies.
I wish I was a tortoise.
Granted but now you have to worry about prey that chase you that is like 5 times faster then you..
I wish all emo music and slow sappy alternative music of today was exterminated.
Granted, but loud rock songs are playing almost everywhere, which eventually makes you deaf.
I wish I was a Researcher.
Granted, you are now a Jr. Researcher.
I wish I could wish for wishes to wish wishingly WISHES WISH WISH WISHINGLY WISHES WISH WISH WISHES.
Granted, but the genie granting your wishes doesn't understand you.
I wish i could go see Borneo…
Granted, but you die before you can actually see Borneo.
I wish I had more muffins.
Granted but they are English muffins.
I wish i had 4 arms (and a tail)
Granted, but they're broken.
I wish my wish would backfire.
wish granted, but i got the concept of reverse phsycology
i wish i wish i was a fish
Granted, but you are caught, skinned, cooked, and eaten soon after.
I wish I had blue hair.
You end up falling into a port-o-potty head first and wind up with the blue liquid dying your hair.
I wish I could masturbate using only my big toe.
Granted, but you're not flexible enough to do so.
I wish I could own a theme park…
ok, but you are stuck on "rebeccca black, the ride"
i wish i had steak sauce
Granted, but it's generic brand…
I wish I had some dignity
Granted, but you have steak to put it on.
I wish I had -20 karma.
granted but trolls hacked your account
i wish justin bieber would get lost in the woods and was never found
Granted. But he's replaced by a whiny 6 year old.
I wish Rebecca Black was a famous singer.
granted, and now your dad is disapoint
i wish pedobear would find out where rebecca black lives
Granted, but she's too busy PARTYIN' and pedobear can't make a move because too many people are watching.
I wish I could win the game.
Granted, but you get nothing! In fact, even if you just won, you now lose since we just talked about the game! Good day sir!
I wish I had a deeper voice.
P0wnz0r The Noob wrote:
Granted, but you get nothing! In fact, even if you just won, you now lose since we just talked about the game! Good day sir!
I wish I had a deeper voice.
Granted, but your voice becomes SO low-pitched that no human being can hear you.
I wish I had a new camera.
Granted, but now you look ugly.
I wish for another wish!
Granted. But your second wish will still be corrupted.
I wish that Gabe Newell would just release Episode 3 already.
CLYDE (Joe's Nightmare) wrote:
Granted, but now you look ugly.
I wish for another wish!
You get another wish, but you lose your ability to speak.
I wish I had some Taco Bell right now…
granted, but a razor was in your chalupa
i wish i didnt feel like the only one who still has to go to school
Granted. I still have to go to school.
I wish it was Halloween.
It is, but it's 12:59 midnight, so you missed it all.
I wish I was a pegasus pony, with mounted shoulder miniguns, which are fully functional, do not self destruct or jam, are made of everything each part is really made of, and has infinite bullets. They're also as light as a feather and can't be used against me. And I wouldn't look ugly or fat or have dysfunctional wings. I'm not horribly thin, either. And I'm wearing harm-proof armor. I don't have any disabilities, and I can live for as long as I desire, with no limit.
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