Since KnowYourMeme has expanded its documentary to now 5 categories: Meme, person, site, event, and subculture, it now covers nearly everything about the internet and what is trending and what was trending. It goes to cover, of course, internet memes, popular subjects of the internet such as events or people, internet subculture, and fun and notable internet sites.
Nearly everything. During my time revising the Red vs. Blue entry, I notice it doesn't quite fit into any of the 5 categories. Another look into this and I notice that Happy Tree Friends has an entry, but is not accepted because it doesn't fit into any of the 5 categories. The Annoying Orange and Dick Figures as well have this problem. Later, there will be more highly popular web series such as these. Some can be covered in categories such as sites, some as person (Example: covering annoying orange in a Daneboe entry), but some are notable enough to have a standalone entry.
What seems required is a category that will fit these web series so they can be documented.
Do you think KnowYourMeme should document popular internet series as well?