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Last posted Oct 16, 2014 at 10:33PM EDT. Added Oct 16, 2014 at 04:46PM EDT
16 posts from 7 users

I was recently introduced to Nyanners with her covers of rap songs:

It looks like she has somewhat of a following. Anyone know more about her and if she is significant enough for an entry?

Last edited Oct 16, 2014 at 05:49PM EDT

She has nearly 100k followers on Youtube. Not quite Jontron level fame, but that's no small number.

I don't ever hear much about her outside of Youtube, but she's not exactly 100% obscure. I can go scour the Internet to see how big her following really is. Will report back later.

I've known about her for a long time, and she does have a few videos that have over 1 million views each. I think her highest is her PONPONPON parody with over 2 million views. I like her, and I think she's funny, but at the same time I feel bad about it because there's a decent number of people who don't like her. I think she deserves an entry if she doesn't already have one.

I'm back.
Punching "Nyanners" into Google gets you a lot of results, but there are a few other people out there with name Nyanners, so not everything with that name is actually her. She is, unsurprisingly, fairly popular on smaller music/remix related sites.

As for her own accounts:
She has a second channel, NyannersVA for her more silly stuff. It has nearly 55k subscribers and over 3 million views. Combined with her first channel, she has around 130K subscribers (Though I'm sure some who are subscribed to her first channel are the same with the second) and over 13 million views.

485 followers on Google+. I don't know how 'famous' that translates to on Google+, so someone who knows will have to clarify.

78 patrons, and is getting $1,041.69 per month.

She hasn't made too much on her Deviantart account, but she has 40K page views anyway.

Overall, she definitely has a following behind her, and a decently sized one at that. I'd say she's seen enough publicity to warrant at least a small entry.

I was in original 4chan /b/ thread where Nyanners did vocaroo requests most of the first youtubes are from that thread. 300 copypasta, Pomf =3, Milkshakes, etc. I had the vocaroo's on my wall but they are expired or removed now. it was about 2 years ago. also may be a him not her I remember hearing vocaroos with real voice.

Last edited Oct 16, 2014 at 06:03PM EDT

I've been subbed to her for a while, and every now and then she also appears in collab work she's done with other youtubers. She also has a couple of popular tumblr pages that she updates quite often, so I'd say she deserves an entry.

Derpy Vaz wrote:

after a bit of research this may be Nyanners

I can support this. This video from the NyannersVA account has this video on it:

At 1:53, there is a clip of a person in a maid outfit and wearing a unicorn mask. The same outfit appears in this video from the 34125867 account:

There is another shunned by /a/ for same reasons, lilypichu. both names come up all the time in /a/ archives.

and they have done projects together

Last edited Oct 16, 2014 at 10:36PM EDT

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