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Check out this deranged message i got

Last posted May 22, 2024 at 04:57AM EDT. Added May 06, 2024 at 05:39PM EDT
25 posts from 15 users

(BUMP: Absolute NoIgnore, priority importance) Response, cooperation, account fix REQUIRED for MolemanNineThousand

(FINAL ADDENDUM, WARNING: The following was sent to ten different KYM staff members a full month ago; no response whatsoever was given by any of them despite all instances of the message being marked as NoIgnore and priority-importance. Such ignorance of a user needing help required to resolve a situation wrongly imposed by the staff is absolutely unacceptable, and I am now openly and explicitly calling it out as being intentional by the staff, and hereby absolutely precluding it from continuing any further. KYM is GOING TO finally respond and help me by fixing my account here, as I am ENTITLED to after being locked out of participation on the site for over TWO ENTIRE YEARS now. As I have repeatedly made clear, I explicitly, emphatically, outrightly and openly REJECT the terms of a permanent ban against me; said ban's imposition and upholding against my express wishes has been WRONG for reasons that I have also explained multiple times over by now. Said persistent deplatforming furthermore constitutes BULLYING which I am FORCEFULLY ORDERING to be stopped and corrected in enforcement of my RIGHTS. This is the LAST time I will be iterating this privately; any continued ignorant, stubborn, delusional defiance on the part of staff through refusal to communicate and cooperate, let alone through persecution of this account, will be met with PUBLIC escalation of the case, in which case it is NOT to be dismissed or suppressed from visibility, per the terms being set with this message.)*

I previously sent the following message upwards of a month ago to several different site staff members, making clear that it was a NOIGNORE, top-priority importance matter requiring cooperative communication; despite this categorization, only two staff members replied at all. The communication of one, Brandon, was civil and cooperative but has not resulted in the required action being taken for me. The other message, from Triplem, was outrightly abusive, for which I implore Triplem be disciplined.

Here's reiterating this matter yet again; this remains an unresolved issue of utmost importance for me, requiring resolution ASAP, so please listen and actually help me this time:

My account, MolemanNineThousand, was abruptly banned nearly two years ago (April 2022) over an incidentally offensive comment on terms that I explicitly rejected and took measures to rectify, which were met with antagonism and later deliberate ignorance through multiple venues of reporting; I have since repeatedly messaged both KYM's Reddit page and its direct contact form while not logged in, the latter of which explicitly PROMISES me response every time I submit to it, yet has NEVER responded to ANY of my messages all seeking to resolve and move on from this situation.

I have previously made arguments defending my statements' context and why banning me for that comment was wrong in its own context, as well as much more strongly-worded ultimatums stressing my right to my account and willingness to do whatever is needed to have it fixed, but I will not repeat those here as ultimately all that needs to happen is for my account, MolemanNineThousand, to be fixed, and there need be no further conflict or confrontation past that. I, again, explicitly reject the terms of a permanent ban and am asserting my rights to get it fixed here.

I am willing to accept terms under which I will promise not to make further controversial statements on such topics as you took issue to (transgenderism, namely), thereby resolving what offended you as well as the infringement of my platform, as it should go with all multilateral negotiations such as this.

A previous dummy account of mine like this one, used solely to send messages similar to this, was banned for "repeatedly harassing staff", despite NONE of said messages EVER being answered; that is ABUSE on the part of KYM staff, as have been other evident efforts they've made to force and keep me out of the community against my will.

It must also be noted that the offensive comment of mine was only brought to attention due to a cross-website cyberbully's abusive response to it and MY own report made thereagainst.

In previous efforts to contact the site, I have promised publicly reporting this situation on its forum and other websites' in the event of continued ignorance, but here I am instead reaching out directly, again in a private capacity, so please do be and remain communicative so that this may indeed be resolved without public escalation or any other sort thereof, thank you.

That was kinda funny to read, not gonna lie. "I explicitly, emphatically, outrightly and openly REJECT the terms of a permanent ban against me" hey guys did you know that if KYM moderators ban you, you can just say "no" and mods are legally prohibited from banning you?

But actually, why did you get this message? Was Moleman banned when having an argument with you? Which still wouldn't explain why you got this message and not an admin/mod…

Sir Snakeboat wrote:

i'm fairly certain this is a level of schizophrenia we've not seen before, that guy needs to be studied, he could hold the answers to curing schizophrenia

There has been higher levels here on KYM. Not as crazy as the Satellite guy though

Nox Lucis wrote:

I'm guessing it's a case both of mental illness plus mistaken identity. It sounds like he mistook you for someone on staff.

It makes sense, given how my username is like most of the usernames of staff, just a first name

Imagine having an ego so massive you still can't let go of a dumbass meme site after 2 full years and start declaring """abuse""" over a mere ban.

Let's not forget that he straight up threatened the exact same mod he was trying to reason with. Dis Nigga threatened someone over a crappy MEME SITE. And currently doesn't show any sign of change.

Last edited May 07, 2024 at 05:39PM EDT

HOLY SHIT THAT GUY MADE A SUPER DARK YTP I LOVED: (not posting the embed cause its….questionable but its funny)

Its so weird seeing him create admittedly edgy but rather funny and action-heavy videos I enjoy and also be doing….whatever this is too

Last edited May 08, 2024 at 09:02PM EDT

No!! wrote:

HOLY SHIT THAT GUY MADE A SUPER DARK YTP I LOVED: (not posting the embed cause its….questionable but its funny)

Its so weird seeing him create admittedly edgy but rather funny and action-heavy videos I enjoy and also be doing….whatever this is too

Hes still at it

Last edited May 08, 2024 at 10:36PM EDT

I cant believe a youtuber with a tv tropes page on something he made has a major beef with this website, I mean he really isnt famous or anything but it still fucking WILD

Last edited May 08, 2024 at 11:26PM EDT

No!! wrote:

HOLY SHIT THAT GUY MADE A SUPER DARK YTP I LOVED: (not posting the embed cause its….questionable but its funny)

Its so weird seeing him create admittedly edgy but rather funny and action-heavy videos I enjoy and also be doing….whatever this is too

I liked I have no Mouth and I'm Obscene
as well as The Dirty Catcher in the Rye, both extremely vulger and dark but hilarious
also his fanwork of Tom's Terrifying Tales from the Toaster

Sir Snakeboat wrote:

You know, now i'm curious, who's this "satellite guy"

Bryan something he was convinced that the failure of a russian mars satellite was because of some conspiracy
and it went way deeper than than


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