I definitely agree that associations between these memes should always be addressed in the meme entry in the database. When creating a seperate meme entry for things that came from Advice Dog, it's important to always mention that this meme is a member of the Advice Dog Family. Also, LOLJesus needs to make mention of Raptor Jesus, and both are members of the Lolspeak image macro tree that branches off of Lolcats, which were of course born on Caturday.
I've been mentioning to the devs for a while that a fun project for a "labs" section down the line would be to create an interface to visualize the meme database as an evolutionary tree. I don't have a clue how far down the road that is, but there are constantly subtle changes making their way through the site, with massive developments planned.
More back to the point: Courage Wolf deserves its own Meme entry because it has enough examples to differentiate its self from Advice dog to warrant two seperate groupings of two very closely related memes. In a sense, Courage Wolf is the son of Advice Dog. No amazing backstory there, it just happened, like many of the Advice Dog offspring. But it's still prolific enough to need an entry of its own.