It's the latest slice of delicious Youtube Drama. Basically what happened is Ricegum and FouseyTUBE traded insults back and forth on Twitter, challenge each other to a fight, then a video gets uploaded of Ricegum punching Fousey.
The video is later recognized as fake, and Fousey defends himself by placing the blame on "drama channels" that reported on the incident like DramaAlert, Phlip DeFranco, and Scarce, accusing them of spreading negativity and ruining careers, then starting a hashtag #MakeYoutubePositiveAgain, a play on GradeAUnderA's #MakeYoutubeGreatAgain.
Scarce vids on the subject
RiceGum's vid
Fousey vids:
the #MakeYoutubePositiveAgain vid
video where Fousey attacks the news/drama channels
Philip DeFranco's vids
Keemstar's vids
Leafy himself made a video criticizing Foussey
so tl;dr: FousseyTUBE started a retarded shitstorm and it really needs an article rn. Seriously Don or someone get on this shit